College of the Redwoods
Community Education
525 D Street Eureka, CA 95501
707-476-4500 ● Fax 707-443-3417
Office Use Only
ID # ____________________________
Initials __________________________
Date ____________________________
Receipt # ________________________
Full Legal Name:
Last First Middle
Are you currently, or have you previously, taken classes at College of the Redwoods? □ Yes □ No
Alternate Names Used:
Birth Name Married Name Other
Email: Email Newsletter □ Yes □ No
How did you hear about this class?
SSN (required if you’re a new student)
Is your employer paying for this class? □ Yes □ No
Name of Employer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Company Contact: _______________________________________ Company Phone: _______________________________
Company Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Visa/MasterCard/Discover: ___________________________________________________ Exp. Date: __________
Name As It Appears on Card: _____________________________________________________________________
By registering for a CR Community Education class you agree to the registration policies.
Policies can be viewed at http://www.redwoods.edu/communityed/Register-for-Classes
Sponsor: _________________________
Phone: _____________________
Sponsor Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Office Use Only
Book/Packet □ Mailed On: ________ □ Student Pick up □ Picked Up On ________ Certificate □ Mail □ Pick up