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Section 11: Current Medications
1. List here or attach a list (using the format below) of all current medications and supplements:
Name Dosage Frequency Reason for Use
2. Does the client/patient take prescribed opiates? (e.g., codeine, Methadone etc.) Yes No
If yes, for pain, for addiction.
Section 12: Significant Medical History
List all applicable conditions (e.g., diabetes hypertension, etc.)
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Section 8: Referral Information
In order to arrange a timely admission to the most appropriate program, please provide us with clinical information from
the past 6 months. Copies of past consults, test results and discharge summaries are very helpful.
Referral documentation attached: Medication List Consent Forms Other:
Is this patient an urgent referral? Yes No Is the patient aware of the referral? Yes No
Section 9: Recent Admissions
1. Has the patient had any psychiatric and/or medical hospitalizations within the last 5 years? Yes No
If yes, Where: When: Why:
Please forward discharge notes or consults from hospital stays
2. Is the patient currently in a hospital? Yes No
If yes, Where: Date of admission:
3. Is their current status involuntary? (certified inpatient) Yes No
4. Has the patient tested positive for: C-Difficile MRSA VRE
Section 10: Group Ready
No Yes Is the patient able to participate in a group based program?
No Yes Is the patient able to reside on an unlocked unit?
Yes No Does the patient have a substitute decision maker?
Yes No Is the patient subject to a Community Treatment Order (CTO)?
Section 7: Referrer Information
Your Name:
Your Health Care Discipline (e.g. Family Medicine, Social Worker):
If applicable, Physician/NP Billing #:
If applicable, Agency (ex. WSIB, DND, VA):
Province/State: Postal/Zip Code: Country:
Email: Phone: Fax:
If you are from a Health Care Discipline, will you provide this patient care after discharge?