Southeastern Recommendation Form
Southeastern Louisiana University
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Graduate Nursing Program
To the Applicant: This form should be completed by at least one current or previous program
faculty who can evaluate your potential for graduate study and one current or previous clinical
supervisor who can evaluate your current clinical competency. Type or print the top section yourself.
Please sign before giving to the person writing the reference.
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Seeking Admission for: MSN ________________ DNP ___________________
Should you be admitted to the University, you would have the right, as a student, to review your
permanent record including this recommendation form on file with the University. Some persons prefer
not to complete recommendation forms, however, unless they can be assured of the confidentiality of
their comments. In any event, your application for admission will be given full consideration based on all
the information accumulated in your application file, including this form, regardless of your decision on
waiving your right to future review.
I do waive my right to subsequent access to this recommendation form
I do not waive my right to subsequent access to this recommendation form.
Applicant Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ________________
Person providing the reference:
Address: ____________________________________________ Telephone: _______________
Relationship to Student:
click to sign
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