3050 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive Phone: (318) 670-9229
Shreveport, Louisiana 71107 FAX: (318) 670-6344
www.susla.edu registraroffice@susla.edu
Requirements for Catalog Change
Continuing students may elect a subsequent catalog when a new major is selected or when a catalog reflects a revised
curriculum. The university will make a reasonable effort to honor the statement of curricular requirements in the chosen
issue of the catalog. However, because courses and programs are sometimes discontinued and requirements are
changed as a result of actions by accrediting associations and other external agencies, the university, having sole
discretion, shall make the final determination whether or not degree requirements are met.
Date of Request: Graduation Term: Fall Spring Summer Year:
Last First Middle
SUSLA Skymail (Email): @skymail.susla.edu
Degree: AAS ___ AGS ___ AS ___ CTS ___ CAS ___ TD ___
I am requesting a change of catalog from the ______________
(academic year) catalog to the _____________
(academic year) catalog in order to meet program requirements for graduation. Prior to my break in enrollment, I had
completed __________ hours toward graduation according to the _____________ (academic year) catalog.
I have attached a copy of my academic transcript and degree plan that corresponds to the requested catalog.
My justification for this request is as follows:
Student’s Signature: Date:
Advisor’s Signature: Date:
Academic Dean’s Signature: Date:
NOTE: This form must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs if the requested catalog is
over five years old.
Vice Chancellor’s Signature: Date:
Records and Registration
Request for Change of University Catalog
for Degree or Certificate Requirements
RO: Requ
est to Change Catalog: 01/15:Revised 07/16:07/17:08/19-LR
Allied Health and Nursing
Business, Math, Science and Technology
Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences
Registrar’s Office Use Only
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