Description (Contents, purpose, and use: Include form title and numbers, if any)
Alphabetic by _________________
Alphanumeric by ______________
Numeric by ___________________
Chronological by ______________
Other ________________________
11” x 15” computer printouts
11” x 8-1/2” computer printouts
Roll microfilm
Other _________________________
Electronic Records Filing
a. What is the name of the system?
b. Who owns the system?
c. What operating system is needed to retrieve and view files?
d. What application software is needed to retrieve and view files?
e. What is the file format? (.doc, .xls, .tif, .rtf, etc.)
f. What is current age of media on which records are stored? (1 year, 5 years, etc.)
g. How quickly is this information usually needed? (within minutes, days, weeks, etc.)
h. How often is this information accessed? (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.)
i. What business activity do these records support?
j. Are there any records related to these records?
k. Do you need more assistance with assessing these records?