Recognized Student Organization Bylaws
All RSOs must adopt bylaws that govern the group and explain how the group shall be organized. The bylaws
should explain the group’s name and purpose; the qualifications of membership and members’ duties, rights,
and responsibilities; the details of meeting; handling of funds; the amendment of bylaws; advisor selection; and
other details about the group’s organization and operation; they should also outline a regular and fair method of
selecting leadership for the organization. When writing your bylaws, please keep in mind that RSOs should be
open to all interested students, regardless of divisional or departmental affiliations.
Please note: The remarks in italics must be included in your bylaws in order for
your group to be considered for RSO status.
Model Bylaws:
Article I: Name
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be . . .
Article II: Purpose
Section 1. The purpose of this organization shall be to . . .
Article III: Field of Membership
Section 1. Membership. Voting membership is limited to currently registered UChicago students.
Section 2. Eligibility requirements. RSOs should be open to any interested students.
Article IV: Officers
Section 1. Office titles (President, Vice President, Treasurer, etc.)
Section 2. Qualifications for each office. Officers must be currently registered UChicago.
Section 3. Terms of office.
Section 4. Duties of officers.
Section 5. Provisions for selection / replacement of officers. (How and when? How will
power be transferred to new leadership?)
Section 6. Provisions for removal of officers.
Article V: Elections
Section 1. Who may vote? How? Include rules on proxy votes. (Remember: voting
membership is limited to currently registered University of Chicago students.)
Article VI: Handling of Funds
Section 1. All funds collected will be deposited in
University account with the Center for Leadership and Involvement.
Section 2. The treasurer shall be the primary officer designated to handle organization
Article VII: Amendments
Section 1. Bylaws may be amended by . . . (Process for proposals? Percentage required to pass?)
Section 2. Provision for advance notice of amendments.