Power Tools for Adolescent Literacy Copyright
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Reading and Writing Interest Inventory
(Created for Project CLASS by Gay Ivey [2006b] and used with permission.)
Reflect on your reading interests and learning preferences, and write your answers to the
following questions.
If you could read anything, what would it be? Why?
What makes you want to read in (name of subject area)?
Write about a good experience you had with reading in (name of subject).
Write about a bad experience you had with reading in (name of subject).
Write about a good experience you had with writing in (name of subject).
Write about a bad experience you had with writing in (name of subject).
What kinds of reading do you do outside of school?
What are your favorite things to do outside of school?
What have teachers done that helps you the most with reading?
When have you felt really proud of yourself? Why did you feel this way?
What pushes your “hot button?” (Or, what do you hate?)
What else would you like me to know about you as a person and a student that will help me teach
you better?