WITC Broadband Safety Catalog | Spring 20208
Trenching: Competent Person
This session is intended to provide a background of
information on which to begin building the compe-
tent person’s experience. By the end of this session,
you as the competent person will be able to recog-
nize hazards associated with trenches, understand
the protective systems for trenches, and understand
the hazards and prevention measures for the activi-
ties associated with excavation.
Underground Construction/Tunneling
The main objective of this session is to help you un-
derstand the OSHA regulation for protecting the
safety and health of underground construction
workers. Upon completion you will understand: the
critical role of what OSHA terms a “competent per-
son” in maintaining job site safety; see what’s need-
ed to keep everyone connected and aware; know
what protections you have for ventilation, illumina-
tion, and air monitoring; list site control procedures
that are designed to protect workers; know the
minimum requirements for air and light, which are
critical concerns for all underground workers; un-
derstand the rules for special situations, when proj-
ects include drilling and blasting, the use of cranes
and hoists, or working with gas underground; learn
what emergency procedures must be in place at all
times, even if just one person is underground; and
know what records must be kept on air quality and
potentially dangerous exposures—that are avail-
able to workers during and after a project.
Portable Power Tool Safety
By the end of the training session, you will be able to
identify the hazards of portable power tools, take
precautions against injury, use tool guards eective-
ly, and understand common safety practices for spe-
cic types of tools.
Welding & Cutting Safety for
Construction Workers
The objectives of this session are to discuss impor-
tant safety points of welding and cutting. By the end
of the session, you will be able to identify the major
safety and health hazards, know the dierent weld-
ing processes, select appropriate personal protective
equipment, or PPE, and implement controls needed
to prevent or control res.
Working in Cold Conditions
If you work regularly in cold conditions you have
more to worry about than just being uncomfortable.
Cold working conditions can lead to health hazards
that you need to protect yourself against. During this
session, we’ll tell you what hazards to look out for
and how you can keep yourself safe.
Working in Hot Conditions
While being hot may be unavoidable, if you get too
overheated and dehydrated, it could be downright
dangerous. During the session, we’ll discuss how
working in hot condition can be hazardous to your
health and safety, dierent types of heat-related ill-
nesses you should be aware of, and what you can do
to protect yourself if you work in hot conditions.
Working Safely Around Heavy
A construction site is an inherently dangerous work-
place. You must pay attention not only to what you
are doing but also to what other workers around you
are doing. The main goal of this session is to help you
understand how important it is to work safely near
heavy equipment. At the end of the session, you will
be able to understand the leading causes of heavy
equipment related accidents, identify dangers as-
sociated with heavy equipment, discuss what OSHA
regulations say about working safely on or near
heavy equipment, and learn basic precautions to
stay safe on the work site.
Working Safely Near Power Lines
The main objective of this session is to help you un-
derstand how important it is to work safely near
power lines. This session is intended for general con-
struction workers. At the end of the training session,
you will be able to understand the major causes of
power line-related accidents, identify dangers asso-
ciated with power lines, nd out what Occupational
Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, regula-
tions say about power line safety, learn preventive
measures to stay safe, and get some tips on what to
do in case of an emergency.
Working Safely Outdoors
The main objective of this session is to provide you
with the information you need to work safely
outdoors. By the time the session is over, you will be
able to identify outdoor hazards; take proper