Copyright © Swun Math Grade 6 Unit 4 Lesson 6 Re-Engage
Name: ____________________________
Date: ______________________________
Unit 4 Lesson 6: Write Expressions
1. The sum of a number and 6. 2. 4 times a number plus 1.
3. 4 less than a number. 4. The quotient of a number and 4.
Structured Guided Practice
Directions: Write an expression for each phrase.
Write an expression for each phrase.
 the sum of a number and 3
 3 more than a number
 3 times a number plus 2
 3 less than a number
 the quotient of a number and 3
 the quotient of 3 and a number
3 + n
n - 3
3n + 2
3 + n
, n ÷ 3
, 3 ÷ n
Copyright © Swun Math Grade 6 Unit 4 Lesson 6 Re-Engage
Unit 4 Lesson 6: Write Expressions
Student Practice
Directions: Write an expression for each phrase.
1. 8 more than a number 2. 6 times a number, plus 3
3. a number subtracted by 7 4. 5 times a number, plus 8
5. the quotient of a number and 6 6. the quotient of 6 and a number