City of Roswell
Code Enforcement Office
Business License Department
575-637-6208(telephone) 575-624-6818 (facsimile)
It is time to renew your business license registration. To conduct business in Roswell, the City Zoning Ordinances
#10-02/City Ordinances Chapter 7 states that each business will obtain a City of Roswell business registration each
year. If you have questions regarding this ordinance, please call Code Enforcement at (575) 624-6700 Ext. 253.
Address label here
Please return the completed application with all information requested and the $35.00 application fee enclosed
(See Other Side). If your profession requires State of New Mexico Certification, you are required to provide a copy.
Failure to complete the application in its entirety and add letter of intent will result in the application being returned to
you for completion. This could result in a possible surcharge. Please note that this application is an archival file and
must be filled out each year of renewal.
As a reminder, please be aware that there is a staggered business registration period by quarter. The renewal dates
are on the last day of the months of March, June, September, and December (of every year).
(a) Those businesses whose first letter (exclusive of a, an & the) starts with A through C, numbers,
computer codes, etc. license is due on March 31.
(b) Those businesses whose first letter (exclusive of a, an & the) starts with D through K is due on June 30.
(c) Those businesses whose first letter (exclusive of a, an & the) starts with L through R is due on
September 30.
(d) Those businesses whose first letter (exclusive of a, an & the) starts with S through Z is due on
December 31.
(e) If the last day of the month falls on a weekend or a holiday recognized by the City of Roswell, the due
date will be the next working day following that weekend or holiday.
If any person fails to obtain the appropriate registration or license pursuant to the terms of this ordinance, or fails to renew such
registration or license before the expiration date of the month of renewal, such person shall pay a surcharge in the amount of
twenty percent (20%) of the license or registration fee for each month after the payment is late. A grace period (in which no
late fee will be due and payable) of fourteen (14) calendar days following the last day of the month the license is to be renewed,
is allowed. In no event shall the total surcharge exceed the cost of the registration or license fee. Further steps to ensure
proper registration may include Municipal Court Proceedings.
If you are no longer doing business, please call my office so I can update your file, which could save your
business any accumulated surcharges.
Thank you for your prompt response,
Nikomi “Nikki” Bejarano
City of Roswell
Business License Clerk