Raising Concerns
A good practice guide for the
Northern Ireland public sector
Self-Assessment Checklist
25 June 2020
Checklist for Organisations
Raising Concerns – A good practice guide for the Northern Ireland public sector
Good Practice statement
Action required:
Organisational Culture
This organisation has an
open and transparent culture
which encourages the raising
of concerns.
There is clear and explicit
management commitment
from the top of the
organisation to an open and
honest culture.
This organisation recognises
the benefits of hearing about
concerns so that they can be
properly considered.
Senior managers and Board
members are visible across
the organisation and clearly
demonstrate the importance
and value they attach to
hearing from people at all
There is a code of conduct
in place that reinforces
the expectation of ethical
behaviour from workers at all
levels of the organisation.
There is continuing
communication of this
organisation’s commitment to
an open and ethical culture,
through circulars, posters,
emails and the intranet.
Raising Concerns Policy
This organisation has a
raising concerns policy in
place, which includes all the
elements listed at Appendix
4 of the Good Practice
Raising Concerns – A good practice guide for the Northern Ireland public sectorRaising Concerns – A good practice guide for the Northern Ireland public sector
Good Practice statement
Action required:
All workers are made aware
of the policy.
Training is provided to all
staff on the content of the
The policy sets out clear
procedures and lines of
reporting for workers wishing
to raise concerns, which are
well publicised.
The policy offers alternative
ways of raising concerns,
including externally.
The raising concerns
policy makes clear that this
organisation will not tolerate
harassment of anyone raising
a genuine concern.
The raising concerns policy
directs workers to available
sources of support and
advice, for example Protect
or their union.
Actions to Support Raising Concerns
There are clear roles and
responsibilities in place for
handling concerns raised.
There is a specialist resource
with detailed knowledge
of raising concerns who
can provide advice to
management and staff and
be an alternative route for
raising concerns.
There is effective awareness
training for all staff so they
know what concerns they
can raise and how to raise
Raising Concerns – A good practice guide for the Northern Ireland public sector
Good Practice statement
Action required:
There is effective training
for line managers who may
have to deal with concerns
There are regular attitude
surveys to determine the level
of confidence staff have in
arrangements for raising
All practical steps are taken
to protect the confidentiality
of workers raising concerns.
This organisation has access
to trained fraud investigators,
should an investigation be
This organisation recognises
that there may be validity in
a concern raised, regardless
of a person’s motivation for
raising it.
This organisation has
adequate systems in place
for recording, monitoring and
reporting on concerns raised.
Normalising Raising Concerns
This organisation encourages
concerns to be raised as
part of normal business, for
example at team meetings.
This organisation focuses on
the concern being raised
and not on the person
raising it.
This organisation publicises
improvements made as a
result of concerns raised.
Raising Concerns – A good practice guide for the Northern Ireland public sector
Good Practice statement
Action required:
This organisation encourages
all concerns to be raised, no
matter how small.
Concerns from the Public and Other Third Parties
This organisation provides
a single point of contact
for members of the public
wishing to raise public
interest concerns. This
person has the requisite skills
to ensure that concerns are
processed effectively.
This organisation gives
proper consideration to
public interest concerns
raised by the wider public.
This organisation offers the
person raising the concern
a meeting to discuss their
concern and provide any
evidence they may have.
This organisation ensures that
members of the public who
raise concerns in the public
interest are made aware of
alternative points of contact.
This organisation provides
appropriate feedback to
third parties who have raised
Published and printed by CDS
CDS 238412