Tenant Request to Amend a
Dispute Resolution Application
#RTB- 42T
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Your personal information is collected under section 26 (a) and (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of
administering the Residential Tenancy Act. If you have any questions regarding the collection of your personal information, please call 604-660-
1020 in Greater Vancouver; 250-387-1602 in Victoria; or 1-800-665-8779 elsewhere in B.C.
Section 1: Key Dispute Information
Who is filing this dispute? (please select one)
I am a tenant, or I represent one
If a landlord, do not use this form (use
Residential Tenancy Branch file # (e.g., 123456789):
Rental unit/site address:
site/unit #
street # and name
city province postal code
How to use this form:
• Read the rules on amendments outlined in Policy Guideline 23: Amending an Application for Dispute
Resolution available on the Residential Tenancy Branch website.
• This paper form must be submitted in person at a Service BC Centre that accepts RTB forms or the
Burnaby Residential Tenancy B
ranch offi ce. Do not upload this form to the Dispute Access Site.
• Provide a copy of this completed form to every respondent by registered mail, in person or to an email
address provided for service.
• This form must be served to all respondents as soon as possible and no later than 14 calendar days prior
to your hearing.
Important information about your application:
• This form is used to add a related claim or alter claims in the original application. Unrelated claims may be
dismissed, with or without leave to reapply.
• Use form #RTB-42O to change a party, remove an existing claim, or change service address
• An amendment may not be used to add another respondent. The applicant can make this request during
the hearing.
• This form cannot be used to amend an Application by Direct Request.
Form Sections
Section 1: Key Dispute Information
Section 2: Amendment Information
Section 3: Declaration
Residential Tenancy Branch
Offi ce of Housing and
Construction Standards RTB 42-T