Department of Taxation and Finance
Ofce of Real Property Tax Services
Renewal Application for Cold
War Veterans Exemption from Real Property
Taxation Based on Change in Service-Connected
Disability Compensation Rating
RP- 458-b-Dis
Name(s) of owner(s)
Mailing address of owner(s)
(number and street or PO box) Location of property (street address)
City, village, or post ofce State ZIP code City, town, or village State ZIP code
Daytime contact number Evening contact number Date of purchase of real property
E-mail address
Tax map number of section/block/lot: Property identication (see tax bill or assessment roll)
1. Does the veteran currently* have a service-connected disability compensation rating from the United
States Veteran’s Administration or Department of Defense? ..................................................................................... Yes No
If the rating has changed, attach written evidence of the new rating. Indicate prior rating: and new rating:
Is this new compensation rating permanent? ............................................................................................................ Yes No
2. If the veteran is deceased, ll out the date of death, and attach written evidence of the veteran’s
compensation rating at the time of death ............................................................... Date of veteran’s death
I (we) hereby certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I (we)
understand that any willful false statement made herein will subject me (us) to the penalties prescribed therefore in the Penal Law.
All owners must sign application
General instructions
When the Cold War veterans exemption is granted based in part
on a service-connected disability rating received from the United
States Veterans Administration or the United States Department
of Defense, evidence of continued exemption eligibility must be
provided by the property owner if the disability rating increases
or decreases.
The change in percentage of disability rating must be certied
on this form (RP-458-b-Dis) and led with the assessor prior
to taxable status date in order for the exemption to be properly
adjusted. Where property is located in a village which assesses,
a separate renewal application should be led with both the
village and town assessors.
Taxable status date for most towns is March 1. Westchester
County towns have either a May 1 or June 1 taxable status
date; contact the assessor. In Nassau county, the taxable
status date for towns is January 2. Taxable status date for most
villages which assess is January 1; however, the village clerk
should be consulted to insure certainty. Charter provisions
control the taxable status date in cities, but in the City of New
York, applications for this exemption may be led on or before
March 15. To ascertain the correct taxable status dates in cities,
inquiry should be made of city assessors.
Signature of owner(s) Date
Signature of owner(s) Date
Signature of owner(s) Date
Signature of owner(s) Date