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Remediation shall include seeding or placing sod in all areas bared by construction so that the site is equal to or
better than the existing condition. Where the proposed utility line crosses private residential yards, care shall be
taken in removing and replacing all topsoil and sod in the trench area. Sod shall be kept moist until time of
replacement. Care shall be taken to avoid unnecessary damage to shrubs, trees, and appurtenances. Any
objects so damaged or removed are to be replaced to equal or better condition. Remediation must be
completed within 14 working/business days after construction is complete.
The undersigned agrees to follow City requirements for construction of underground utilities. Below is a summary of
applicable requirements.
All items outlined in accordance with the Code of Ordinances of College Station are applicable and required.
When crossing streets, machine boring shall be used. Sediment control measures shall be properly installed.
These include but are not limited to silt fencing, hay bales and protection of storm sewer inlets.
Backfilling bore holes and trenches shall meet the following requirements:
In areas under existing streets or structures (including sidewalks), backfill shall be compacted cement
stabilized sand (minimum 1 1/2 sack). In most cases, field mixing of the cement-stabilized sand will not be
acceptable and pug mill mix is required.
In areas not under structures or where a future street shall be placed, backfill shall be finely divided (no clod
sizes greater than 6" in diameter) excavated material and shall be mechanically compacted in maximum 6"
lifts to the satisfaction of the City Engineer's office. The City reserves the right to require density testing if
there is a disagreement as to the adequacy of the compaction. If density tests are taken, it is anticipated
that a density of not less than 90% standard (ASTM D 698) at a moisture content between optimum and
+4% of optimum be achieved.
Where trenching machines are used and the trench width is narrow, the excavated material shall be placed
in the ditch (slightly mounded) and wheel-rolled.
The Right-of-Way User's Contractor shall be required to provide traffic control in compliance with Texas Manual
on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. It shall also be the responsibility of the Contractor to contact Engineering
Inspection 2 working days prior to commencing construction and to verify the exact location of all underground
utilities within the construction area.
If you have any questions, please call as noted:
Right-of-Way User's Representative Printed Name
Right-of-Way User's Representative Signature