1. Provide Applicant name and site address.
(Recommended maximum Site Plan sheet size is 11 inches x 17 inches.)
Please check off each box of required information to confirm placement on site plan (for fastest possible processing). If you are
proposing an addition or accessory structure such as but not limited to a shed, pool etc. complete Section A. If you are proposing
a new or replacement home complete both Sections A and B. If either proposal includes a bulkhead or retaining wall also
complete Section C. If your proposal is for just a bulkhead or retaining wall complete Section A items 1- 16 and Section C.
2. Provide Applicant daytime phone number.
3. Show scale (ex: 1" = 50' ; 1" = 40' ; 1" = 30' ; 1" = 10').
4. Provide Lot, Block & Subdivision name.
5. Show lot dimensions, streets, roads, Finished Floor Elevation, driveways, easements, and waterways.
6. If wetlands exist on the lot, show State Jurisdictional Wetland Line as shown on the recorded plat, NSP or as
determined by a qualified wetland scientist.
9. Show all proposed and existing structures including main use and accessory. Provide use of each, as well as
distances from property lines and zoning setbacks.
Yes N/A
10. Provide impervious surface ratio and floor area ratio.
11. Show existing and proposed well and septic systems.
12. Registered Architectural Review Association approval if required in accordance with the Land Development Code
Section 5.03.02.H.
13. Show and label a twenty-five foot (25') or fifty foot (50') upland buffer, as applicable, measured landward/upslope
of the state jurisdictional wetland line.
15. Show a twenty-five (25') building setback from the twenty-five foot (25') upland buffer where applicable.
14. Show silt fence installation landward (upslope) of the naturally vegetated upland buffer.
16. Show any conservation easements, habitat preservation areas (including any bald eagle protection
zones), gopher tortoise burrows, or any other unique preservation area applicable to the lot.
17. Depending on environmental characteristics of the lot, documentation may be required that a qualified
scientist has accessed the site for the presence of listed species. The location of any listed species habitat
(i.e. nest, burrows, etc.) shall be shown on the site plan.
18. If the lot is in a coastal area, lighting may be subject to LDC 4.01.09. Please call turtle lighting officer for additional
information 904-209-0323.
Section A
Revised December 7, 2012
No Land Clearing, placement of fill, structures, septic tanks, change in drainage patterns, or Protected Tree Removal shall
be allowed before receiving an approved Clearance Sheet.
7. If present, show location, type and size of any specimen or historic trees on the lot (see tree information sheet).
8. Show and label the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) on any lot where all or a portion of the lot is located
seaward of the CCCL.
19. Show air conditioner pads, patios, stoops, internal sidewalks, pavers, etc. and indicate on site plan that you will
maintain five feet (5') from property line. Improvements are not allowed to be located within a easement.