Provider No. Medicare
F75 F76
Total Residents
ADL Independent Assist of One or Two Staff Dependent
F79 F80 F81
F82 F83 F84
F85 F86 F87
eToilet Us
F88 F89 F90
F91 F92 F93
A. Bowel/Bladder Status
F94 ____ With indwelling or external catheter
F95 Of the total number of residents with catheters,
how many were present on admission ____?
F96 ____ Occasionally or frequently incontinent of
F97 ____ Occasionally or frequently incontinent of
F98 ____ On urinary toileting program
F99 ____ On bowel toileting program
B. Mobility
F100____ Bedfast all or most of time
F101____ In a chair all or most of time
F102____ Independently ambulatory
F103____ Ambulation with assistance or assistive device
F104____ Physically restrained
F105 Of the total number of residents with restraints,
how many were admitted or readmitted with orders for
restraints ____?
F106____ With contractures
F107 Of the total number of residents with contractures,
how many had a contracture(s) on admission ____?
C. Mental Status
F108-114 – indicate the number of residents with:
F108____ Intellectual and/or developmental disability
F109____ Documented signs and symptoms of depression
F110____ Documented psychiatric diagnosis
(exclude dementias and depression)
F111____ Dementia: (e.g., Lewy-Body, vascular or Multi-
infarct, mixed, frontotemporal such as Pick’s disease;
and dementia related to Parkinson’s or Creutzfeldt-
Jakob diseases), or Alzheimer’s Disease
F112____ Behavioral healthcare needs
F113 Of the total number of residents with
behavioral healthcare needs, how many have an
individualized care plan to support them ____?
F114____ Receiving health rehabilitative services
for MI and/or ID/DD
D. Skin Integrity
F115-118 – indicate the number of residents with:
F115____ Pressure ulcers (exclude Stage 1)
F116 Of the total number of residents with
pressure ulcers excluding Stage 1, how many
residents had pressure ulcers on admission ____?
F117____ Receiving preventive skin care
F118____ Rashes
Form CMS-672 (05/12) 1
Form CMS-672 (05/12)
E. Special Care
F119-132 – indicate the number of residents receiving:
Fl19 ____ Hospice care
F120____ Radiation therapy
F121____ Chemotherapy
F122____ Dialysis
F123____ Intravenous therapy, IV nutrition, and/or blood transfusion
F124____ Respiratory treatment
F125____ Tracheostomy care
F126____ Ostomy care
F127____ Suctioning
____ Injections
B12 injections)
____ Tube feedings
____ Mechanically
diets including
pureed and all
chopped food (not only meat)
F131____ Rehabilitative services (Physical therapy, speech-
language therapy, occupational therapy, etc.)
Exclude health rehabilitation for MI and/or ID/DD
F132____ Assistive devices with eating
F. Medications
F133-139 – indicate the number of residents receiving:
F133____ Any psychoactive medication
F134____ Antipsychotic medications
F135____ Antianxiety medications
F136____ Antidepressant medications
F137____ Hypnotic medications
F138____ Antibiotics
F139____ On pain management program
G. Other
F140____ With unplanned significant weight loss/gain
F141____ Who do not communicate in the dominant
language of the facility (include those who
use American sign language)
F142____ Who use non-oral communication devices
F143____ With advance directives
F144____ Received influenza immunization
F145____ Received pneumococcal vaccine
I certify that this information is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
TitleSignature of Person Completing the Form Date
F146 Was ombudsman office notified prior to survey? ___ Yes ___ No
F147 Was ombudsman present during any portion of the survey? ___ Yes ___ No
F148 Medication error rate _______%
click to sign
click to edit
(use with Form CMS-672)
There is no federal requirement to automate the 672 form. A facility may use its MDS data to assist in completing the entry fields for the
672 form, however, facilities should ensure that the MDS information is not simply counted and copied over into the form. All conditions
noted on this form that are not identified on the MDS must be counted manually. This information is designed to be a representation
of the facility during survey; it does not directly correspond to the MDS data in every field. The information entered on this form must
be reflective of all residents as of the day of survey; therefore all information entered must be independently verified.
Following certain entry fields, the related MDS 3.0 item(s) is noted. Remember, that although MDS items are noted for some fields, the
field itself may need to be completed differently to reflect the current status of all residents as of the day of survey. The MDS items
are provided only as a reference point, the form is to be completed using the time frames and other specific instructions as noted below.
Where a field refers to the “admission assessment,” use only the counts from the first assessment since the most recent admission/entry
or reentry (OBRA or Scheduled PPS, i.e., A0310A = 01 OR A0310B = 01 or 06 OR A0310E = 1 for each resident).
For the purpose of completing this form the terms: “facility” means certified beds (i.e., Medicare and/or Medicaid certified beds) and
“residents” means residents in certified beds regardless of payer source.
Complete each field by specifying the number of residents in
each category. If no residents fall into a category enter a “0”.
Provider Number: Facility CMS certification provider number.
A0100B; leave blank for initial certifications.
Block F75: Residents whose primary payer is Medicare.
Block F76: Residents whose primary payer is Medicaid.
Block F77: Residents whose primary payer is neither Medicare
nor Medicaid.
Block F78: Residents for whom a bed is maintained on the day
the survey begins, including those temporarily away in a hospital
or on leave. This should be representative of residents in the
nursing facility or those who have a bed-hold.
ADLS (F79 – F93): To determine resident status, unless otherwise
noted, consider the resident’s condition for the 7 days prior to the
survey. Horizontal totals across the three columns (Independent,
Assist of One or Two Staff, and Dependent) must equal the number
in Block F78, Total Residents, for each of the ADL categories
(Bathing, Dressing, Transferring, Toilet Use and Eating).
Bathing (F79 – F81): This includes a full-body bath/shower,
sponge bath, and transfer into and out of tub or shower.
G0120A = 0 for F79, G0120A = 1, 2, OR 3 for F80. OR
G0120A = 4 for F81.
Facilities may provide “setup” assistance to residents such as
drawing water for a tub bath or laying out clothes, bathing
supplies/toiletries, etc. Also, a resident may only need assistance
with washing their back or shampooing their hair. If either of
these are the case, and the resident requires no other assistance,
count the resident as independent.
Dressing (F82 – F84): How the resident puts on, and takes off all
items of clothing, including donning/removing prostheses (e.g.,
braces and artificial limbs) or elastic stockings. G0110G1 = 0 for
F82 OR G0110G1 = 1, 2, OR 3 for F83 OR G0110G1 = 4 for F84.
Facilities may set out clothes for residents. If this is the case
and this is the only assistance the resident receives, count
the resident as independent. However, if a resident receives
assistance, such as with dressing, donning a brace, elastic
stocking, a prosthesis , or securing fasteners, etc. count the
resident as needing the assistance of 1 or 2 staff, as appropriate.
Transferring (F85 – F87): How the resident moves between
surfaces, including, to or from bed, chair, wheelchair, or
standing position. (EXCLUDES transfers to/from the bath/
toilet). G0110B1 = 0 for F85 OR G0110B1 = 1, 2, or 3 for F86
OR G0110B1 = 4 for F87.
Facilities may provide “setup” assistance to residents, such as
handing equipment (e.g., quad cane) to the resident. If this is the
case and is the only assistance required, count the resident as
Toilet Use (F88 – F90): How the resident uses the toilet, commode,
bedpan, or urinal; transfers on/off toilet; cleanses self after elimination;
changes pad(s); manages ostomy or catheter, and adjusts clothing.
If all that is done for the resident is to open a package (e.g., a clean
incontinence pad), count the resident as independent. G0110I1 = 0 for
F88 OR G0110I1 = 1, 2, or 3 for F89 OR G0110I1 = 4 for F90.
Eating (F91 – F93): How a resident eats and drinks, regardless
of skill. Do not include eating/drinking during medication pass.
Includes intake of nourishment by other means (e.g., tube feeding,
total parenteral nutrition, includes IV fluids administered for
nutrition or hydration). Facilities may provide “setup” activities,
such as opening containers, buttering bread, and organizing the
tray; if this is the case and is the only assistance a resident needs,
count this resident as independent. G0110H1 = 0 for F91 OR
G0110H1 = 1, 2, or 3 for F92 OR G0110H1 = 4 for F93.
Form CMS-672 (05/12) 3
(use with Form CMS-672)
F94: With an indwelling or an external catheter:
Whose urinary bladder is constantly drained by a catheter (e.g.,
an indwelling catheter, a suprapubic catheter or nephrostomy
tube) or who wears an appliance that is applied over the penis and
connected to a drainage bag to collect urine from the bladder (e.g.,
condom catheter or similar appliance). H0100A or B = checked.
F95: Of the total number of residents with catheters:
Who had a catheter present on admission/entry or reentry.
H0100A or B = checked. To complete this field use only the
counts from the first assessment since the most recent admission/
entry or reentry (OBRA or Scheduled PPS, i.e., A0310A = 01
OR A0310B = 01 or 06 OR A0310E = 1 for each resident).
F96: Occasionally or frequently incontinent of bladder:
Who have an incontinent episode two or more times per week.
Do not include residents with an indwelling or external catheter.
H0100A and B = not checked AND H0300 =1, 2, or 3.
F97: Occasionally or frequently incontinent of bowel:
Who have a loss of bowel control two or more times per week.
H0400 = 2 or 3.
F98: On urinary toileting program: With a systematically
implemented, individualized urinary toileting program
(i.e. bladder rehabilitation/retraining, prompted voiding,
habit training/scheduled voiding) to decrease or prevent
urinary incontinence or minimizing or avoiding the negative
consequences of incontinence (e.g., pelvic floor exercises).
Count all residents on urinary training programs including those
who are incontinent. H0200A = 1 OR H200C = 1 OR H0300 =
1, 2 or 3.
F99: On bowel toileting program: With a systematically
implemented, individualized bowel toileting program to decrease
or prevent bowel incontinence or minimizing or avoiding the
negative consequences of incontinence (e.g., use of adequate
fluid intake, fiber in the diet, exercise, and scheduled times
to attempt bowel movement). Count all residents on toileting
programs including those who are incontinent. H0400 = 2 or 3
OR H0500 OR H0600 = 1.
Total for F100 – F103 should = the number in Block F78,
Total Residents. Algorithm to force mutual exclusivity: Test
for each resident. If F100 = 1 then add 1 to F100, and go to
the next resident; If F101 = 1 then add 1 to F101 and go to the
next resident; If F103 = 1 then add 1 to F103 and go to the next
resident; If F102 = 1 then add 1 and go to the next resident.
F100: Bedfast all or most of time: Who are bedfast all or most
of the time (e.g., in bed or geriatric chair/recliner) includes
bedfast with bathroom privileges.
F101: In a chair all or most of time: Who depend on a chair for
mobility includes those residents who can stand with assistance to
pivot from bed to wheelchair or to otherwise transfer. The resident
cannot take steps without extensive or constant weight-bearing
support from others and is not bedfast all or most of the time.
G0300A or E = 2 OR G0600C = checked.
F102: Independently ambulatory: Who require no help or
oversight; or help or oversight was provided only 1 or 2 times
during the past 7 days. Do not include residents who use a cane,
walker or crutch. G0110C1 or G0110D1 = 0 or 7 and G0110C2 or
G0110D2 = 0 or 1 AND G0600A and G0600B = not checked.
F103: Ambulation with assistance or assistive devices:
Who require oversight, cueing, physical assistance or who use a
cane, walker, or crutch. Count the use of lower leg splints, orthotics,
and braces as assistive devices. G0110C1 or G0110D1 = 1, 2, or
3 AND G0110C2 or G0110D2 = 1, 2 or 3 OR G0600A and/or
G0600B = checked.
F104: Physically restrained: For whom restraints were used.
Restraints include any manual or physical method or mechanical
device, material or equipment attached or adjacent to the
resident’s body in such a way that the individual cannot remove
easily and it restricts freedom of movement or normal access
to one’s body. Do not include devices such as braces which are
used for medical/clinical reasons. P0100A through H = 1 or 2.
F105: Of total number of restrained residents: On admission/
entry or reentry with an order for restraint(s). P0100A through
H = 1 or 2. To complete this field use only the counts from the
first assessment since the most recent admission/entry or reentry
(OBRA or Scheduled PPS, i.e., A0310A = 01 OR A0310B = 01
or 06 OR A0310E = 1 for each resident).
F106: With contractures: With a restriction of full passive
range of motion of any joint due to deformity, disuse, pain, etc.,
includes loss of range of motion in neck, fingers, wrists, elbows,
shoulders, hips, knees and ankles. G0400A and/or B = 1 or 2.
F107: Of the total number with contractures, those who
had a contracture(s) on admission: To complete this field use
only the counts from the first assessment since the most recent
admission/entry or reentry (OBRA or Scheduled PPS, i.e.,
A0310A = 01 OR A0310B = 01 or 06 OR A0310E = 1 for each
resident). (neck contractures not included in MDS data).
Form CMS-672 (05/12) 4
(use with Form CMS-672)
F108: With Intellectual Disability (ID) (Mental retardation
as defined at 483.45(a)) or Developmental Disability (DD):
In all of the categories of intellectual or developmental disability
regardless of severity, as determined by the State Mental Health
or State Mental Retardation Authorities. A1550A, B through
E = checked.
F109: With documented signs and symptoms of depression:
With documented signs and symptoms of depression. D0200A1
through D1 = 1 for any indicator present OR D0200I1 = 1OR
D0200A2 through D2 = 2 or 3 for symptom frequency OR
D0300 = 05 - 27 OR D0500A1 through D1 = 1 for any indicator
present OR D0500I1 = 1 OR D0500A2 through D2 = 2 or 3 for
symptom frequency OR D0600 = 05 - 30.
F110: With documented psychiatric diagnosis (exclude
dementias and depression): With primary or secondary
psychiatric diagnosis including:
• Schizophrenia
• Schizo-affective disorder
• Schizophreniform disorder
• Delusional disorder
• Anxiety disorder
• Psychotic mood disorders (including mania and depression
with psychotic features, acute psychotic episodes, brief
reactive psychosis and atypical psychosis). I5700, I5900,
I5950, I6000 or I6100 = checked.
F111: Dementia: Non-Alzheimer’s Dementia (e.g., Lewy-
Body, vascular or Multi-infarct, mixed, frontotemporal such
as Pick’s disease; and dementia related to Parkinson’s or
Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseases), or Alzheimer’s Disease: With a
primary or secondary diagnosis of dementia or organic mental
syndrome including, Non-Alzheimer’s Dementia (e.g., Lewy-
Body, vascular or Multi-infarct, mixed, frontotemporal such as
Pick’s disease; and dementia related to Parkinson’s or Creutzfeldt-
Jakob diseases). I4200 or I4800 = checked
F112: With behavioral health care needs: With one or more
of the following indicator(s): wandering, verbally abusive,
physically abusive, socially inappropriate/disruptive, and
resistive to care. E0200A, B, or C = 1, 2, or 3 OR E0300 = 1 OR
E0500A, B, or C = 1 OR E0600A, B, or C = 1 OR E0800 = 1, 2,
or 3 OR E0900 = 1, 2, or 3 OR E1000A or B = 1.
F113: Of the total number with behavioral healthcare needs,
those having an individualized care plan to support them:
With behavior symptoms who are receiving an individualized
care plan/program designed to support and manage behavioral
needs (as noted in F112).
F114: Receiving health rehabilitative services for Mental
Illness (MI) and/or ID/DD: Receiving health rehabilitative
services for MI and/or ID/DD.
F115: With pressure ulcers: With localized injury to the skin
and/or underlying tissue, usually over a bony prominence, as a
result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear and/
or friction (exclude Stage I). M0300B1, M0300C1, M0300D1,
M0300E1, M0300F1and/or M0300G1 > 0.
F116: Of the total number of residents with pressure ulcers
(excluding Stage 1), those who had pressure ulcers on
admission/entry or reentry: M0300B2, M0300C2, M0300D2,
M0300E2, M0300F2 and/or M0300G2 > 0. To complete this
field, use only the counts from the first assessment since the
most recent admission/entry or reentry. (OBRA or Scheduled
PPS, i.e., A0310A = 01 OR A0310B = 01 or 06 OR A0310E =
1 for each resident.)
F117: Receiving preventive skin care: Receiving non-
routine skin care ordered by a physician, and/or included in
the resident’s comprehensive plan of care (e.g., hydrocortisone
ointment to areas of dermatitis three times a day, granulex
sprays, etc.). M1200A through I = checked.
Fl18: With rashes: Who have rashes which may or may not
be treated with any medication or special baths, etc. (e.g.,
may include but are not limited to antifungals, corticosteroids,
emollients, diphenhydramines or scabicides).
F119: Receiving hospice care: Who have elected or are
currently receiving the hospice benefit. O0100K2 = checked.
F120: Receiving radiation therapy: Who are under a treatment
plan involving radiation therapy. O0100B1 or O0100B2 =
F121: Receiving chemotherapy: Who are under a treatment
plan involving chemotherapy. O0100A1 or O0100A2 = checked.
F122: Receiving dialysis: Receiving hemodialysis or
peritoneal dialysis either within the facility or offsite. O0100J1
or O0100J2 = checked.
F123: Receiving intravenous therapy, IV nutrition and/
or blood transfusion: Receiving fluids, medications, all or
most of their nutritional requirements and/or blood and blood
products administered intravenously. K0510A2, O0100H2, or
O0100I2 = checked.
F124: Receiving respiratory treatment: Resceiving treatment
by the use of respirators/ventilators, oxygen, IPPB or other
inhalation therapy, pulmonary toilet, humidifiers, and other
methods to treat conditions of the respiratory tract. This does
not include residents receiving tracheostomy care or respiratory
suctioning. O0100C2, O0100F2, or O0100G2 = checked.
Form CMS-672 (05/12) 5
(use with Form CMS-672)
F125: Receiving tracheostomy care: Receiving care involved
in maintenance of the airway, the stoma and surrounding skin,
and dressings/coverings for the stoma. O0100E2 = checked.
F126: Receiving ostomy care: Receiving care for a colostomy,
ileostomy, uretrostomy, or other ostomy of the intestinal and/or
urinary tract. DO NOT include tracheostomy. H0100C = checked.
F127: Receiving suctioning: That require use of a mechanical
device which provides suction to remove secretions from
the respiratory tract via the oral cavity, nasal passage, or
tracheostomy. O0100D2 = checked. (Note: O0100D2 does not
include oral suctioning, so residents who receive oral suctioning
will have to be counted separately.)
F128: Receiving injections: That have received one or more
injections within the past 7 days. (Exclude injections of Vitamin
B 12.) Review residents where N0300 > 0. Omit from the count
any resident whose only injection currently is B12.
F129: Receiving tube feeding: Who receive all or most of
their nutritional requirements via a feeding tube that delivers
food/nutritional substances directly into the GI system (e.g.,
nasogastric tube, gastrostomy tube). K0510B2 = checked.
F130: Receiving mechanically altered diets: Receiving a
mechanically altered diet including pureed and/or chopped foods
(not only meat). K0510C2 = checked.
F131: Receiving rehabilitative services: Receiving care
designed to improve functional ability provided by, or under
the direction of a rehabilitation professional (physical therapist,
occupational therapist, speech-language pathologist). Exclude
health rehabilitation for MI and/or ID/DD. Any minutes > 0
entered in O0400.
F132: Assistive devices with eating: Who are using devices to
maintain independence and to provide comfort when eating (i.e.,
plates with guards, large handled flatware, large handle mugs,
extend hand flatware, etc.). O0500C or H > 0.
F133: Receiving psychoactive medications: That receive
medications classified as antipsychotics, anxiolytics,
antidepressants, and/or hypnotics. Days entered > 0 for N0410A,
B, C or D.
Use the following lists to assist you in determining the number
of residents receiving psychoactive medications. These lists are
not meant to be all inclusive; therefore, a resident receiving
a psychoactive medication not on this list, should be counted
under F133 and any other medication category that applies:
F134, F135, F136, and/or F137.
F134: Antipsychotic medications: Days entered for N0410A > 0
• Clozapine
• Haloperidol
• Haloperiodal Deconate
• Droperidol
• Loxapine
• Thioridazine
• Molindone
• Theothixene
• Zyprexa
• Pimozide
• Fluphenazine Deconate
• Fluphenazine
• Quetiapine
• Risperidone
• Mesoridazine
• Promazine
• Trifluoperazine
• Chlorprothixene
• Chlorpromazine
• Acetophenazine
• Perphenazine
F135: Antianxiety medications (anxiolytics): Days entered for
N0410B > 0
• Lorazepam
• Oxazepam
• Prazepam
• Diazepam
• Clonazepam
• Hydroxyzine
• Chlordiazepoxide
• Halazepam
• Alprazolam
F136: Antidepressant medications: Days entered for N0410C > 0
• Aripiprazole
• Amoxapine
• Nortriptyline
• Wellbutrin
• Trazodone
• Venlafaxine
• Amtriptyline
• Lithium
• Maprotiline
• Isocarboxazid
• Phenelzine
• Serzone
• Desipramine
• Tranylcypromine Paroxetine
• Fluoxetine
• Sertraline
• Doxepin
• Imipramine
• Protriptyline
Form CMS-672 (05/12) 6
(use with Form CMS-672)
F137: Hypnotic medications: Days entered for N0410D > 0
• Flurazepam
• Quazepam
• Estazolam
• Temazepam
• Triazolam
• Zolpidem
F138: Receiving antibiotics: Receiving antibacterial
sulfonamides, antibiotics, etc., either for prophylaxis or
treatment. Days entered for N0410F > 0.
F139: On a pain management program: With a specific plan
for control of difficult to manage or intractable pain, which
may include self medication pumps or regularly scheduled
administration of medication alone or in combination with non-
medication interventions (e.g., massages heat/cold, biofeedback,
etc.). J0100A, B, or C = 1.
(F140 – F145)
F140: With unplanned significant weight loss/gain: Who have
experienced unplanned weight loss/gain of > 5% in one month
or > 10% over six months. K0300 or K0310 = 2.
F141: Who do not communicate in the dominant language
at the facility: Who do not speak or understand the dominant
language spoken in the facility and need or want an interpreter to
communicate. A1100A = 1.
F142: Who use non-oral communication: Who communicate
via non-oral methods, including, picture boards, computers, etc.
A1100B, Preferred Language (e.g. American Sign Language).
F143: Who have advance directives: Who have advance
directives, such as Physician’s Orders for Life-Sustaining
Treatment (POLST), a living will or durable power of attorney
for health care, recognized under state law and relating to the
provisions of care when the individual is incapacitated.
F144: Received influenza immunization: Who received the
influenza immunization within the last 12 months. O0250A = 1.
F145: Received pneumococcal vaccine: Who received the
pneumococcal vaccine. O0300A = 1.
LEAVE BLANK (F146-F148) – To Be Completed By
Survey Team
F146: Ombudsman notice: Indicate whether or not the State
Ombudsman was notified prior to the survey.
F147: Ombudsman presence: Indicate whether or not the State
Ombudsman was present at any time during the survey.
F148: Medication error rate: Calculate and enter the
medication error percentage of the facility.
Form CMS-672 (05/12) 7