UPDATED: June 19, 2019
Students are only allowed to enroll in a maximum of 19 credit hours in the fall and spring semester, and 10 credit hours in the summer
(including any cross-enrolled credit hours at other colleges). Students may request to exceed the maximum credit hour limit and may do so
only upon the approval of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. (Related Policy: Course Load, found in the RPCC Catalog).
Student’s Name:_______________________________________ Lola Number: ________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________
Semester in which you wish to exceed the max credit hour limit: Fall_______ Spring_______ Summer______
Program of Study:___________________________ Your current GPA: ___________________
How many credit hours do you wish to take (include any credit hours you are enrolling in at another college/university)? _______________
Why do you want to exceed the maximum credit hour limit?
UPDATED: June 19, 2019
Routing Instructions
Completed forms can be either:
1. Printed and Delivered to the Student Services Office at the Gonzales, Reserve or Westside Campus; or
2. Emailed to academicaffairs@rpcc.edu
For Office Use Only (if request is hand delivered)
Date received: _____________________________ Received by: _______________________
This form must be given to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs