Transcript(s) will NOT be processed if you have:
1. Unpaid financial obligations to the College.
2. Incomplete records: high school transcript, transcript from other colleges/institutions, immunization records, or etc.
3. Failed to register with the Selective Service.
4. Other obligations to the college: library materials, equipment, textbooks, or etc. which have not been returned.
Transcript Policy:
1. Transcripts are processed by student’s signed request only.
2. Transcripts requested are sent electronically to all colleges, if registered with SPEEDE transcript service.
3. Paper transcripts are issued on security paper with the ANC seal to colleges not participating in electronic transcript services.
4. There is currently no charge for this service. (Subject to change without notice.)
If you have any questions or need help requesting an Arkansas Northeastern College transcript, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (870) 838-2955.
Student ID Number / Social Security Number
*Requests to Alternate Addresses must be made on separate forms.
*Requests to an Arkansas college or Arkansas Dept. of Education will be sent electronically within 24 hours.
*If this is your first semester with our institution, your transcript will not be available until end of the term.
Include transcripts from (check all that apply):
q Arkansas Northeastern College (July 2003 – forward) q Cotton Boll Technical Institute –
A. Major of Study: ________________________________
q Mississippi County Community College
(1974 – June 2003) B. Last Time Attended: ____________________________
q Unofficial High School Transcript or GED scores
q Immunization Record(s)
Send to (if requesting “I will pick-up on”, please provide recipient information) :
q Myself (will be sent to address given above)
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________ State: _________________ Zip Code: _______________
q Mail now q Hold until current grades are posted
q I will pick-up on: _____________________ q Hold until Graduation Statement is posted
(at Blytheville campus only)
Options to Submit:
Print and sign the completed transcript request form and then,
1. Fax to: (870) 763-1654
2. Mail to: Attn: Transcripts
P.O. Box 1109
Blytheville, AR 72316
3. Scan & Email to: transcripts@smail.anc.edu
4. Deliver to: Registrar’s Office
Statehouse Hall
Blytheville, AR
Statehouse Hall
(870) 838-2955