Final Form: RFR 2020-2
• Do you need help talking with us or reading what we send
• Do you have a disability and need help getting care or taking
part in one of our programs or services?
• Or do you have more questions about your health care?
Call us for free at 866-389-8444. We can connect you with the free
help or service you need. (For TRS call: 711)
We obey federal and state civil rights laws. We do not treat people in a different way because of their
race, color, birth place, language, age, disability, religion, or sex. Do you think we did not help you or
you were treated differently because of your race, color, birth place, language, age, disability, religion,
or sex? You can file a complaint by mail, by email, or by phone. Here are two places where you can
file a complaint:
TennCare Office of Civil Rights
310 Great Circle Road, Floor 3W
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
Email: HCFA.Fairtreatment@tn.gov
Phone: 1-855-857-1673 (TRS 711)
You can get a complaint form online at:
U.S. Department of Health & Human
Services, Office for Civil Rights
200 Independence Ave SW, Rm 509F, HHH
Bldg., Washington, DC 20201
Phone: 1-800-368-1019
(TDD): 1-800-537-7697
You can get a complaint form online at:
Or you can file a complaint online at: