OPIOIDS – (please complete the following questions if the requested drug is an opioid)
What is the daily cumulative Morphine Equivalent Dose (MED)? mg/day
Are you aware of other opioid prescribers for this enrollee?
If so, please explain.
☐ YES ☐ NO
Is the stated daily MED dose noted medically necessary? ☐ YES ☐ NO
Would a lower total daily MED dose be insufficient to control the enrollee’s pain? ☐ YES ☐ NO
☐ Alternate drug(s) contraindicated or previously tried, but with adverse outcome, e.g.
toxicity, allergy, or therapeutic failure [Specify below if not already noted in the DRUG HISTORY
section earlier on the form: (1) Drug(s) tried and results of drug trial(s) (2) if adverse outcome, list drug(s)
and adverse outcome for each, (3) if therapeutic failure, list maximum dose and length of therapy for
drug(s) trialed, (4) if contraindication(s), please list specific reason why preferred drug(s)/other formulary
drug(s) are contraindicated]
☐ Patient is stable on current drug(s); high risk of significant adverse clinical outcome with
medication change A specific explanation of any anticipated significant adverse clinical outcome and
why a significant adverse outcome would be expected is required – e.g. the condition has been difficult to
control (many drugs tried, multiple drugs required to control condition), the patient had a significant adverse
outcome when the condition was not controlled previously (e.g. hospitalization or frequent acute medical
visits, heart attack, stroke, falls, significant limitation of functional status, undue pain and suffering),etc.
☐ Medical need for different dosage form and/or higher dosage [Specify below: (1) Dosage
form(s) and/or dosage(s) tried and outcome of drug trial(s); (2) explain medical reason (3) include why less
frequent dosing with a higher strength is not an option – if a higher strength exists]
☐ Request for formulary tier exception Specify below if not noted in the DRUG HISTORY section
earlier on the form: (1) formulary or preferred drug(s) tried and results of drug trial(s) (2) if adverse outcome,
list drug(s) and adverse outcome for each, (3) if therapeutic failure/not as effective as requested drug, list
maximum dose and length of therapy for drug(s) trialed, (4) if contraindication(s), please list specific reason
why preferred drug(s)/other formulary drug(s) are contraindicated]
☐ Other (explain below)
Required Explanation