AA-T Associate of Arts Transfer Degree
Please review the Catalog for more information about the degrees listed above. We strongly
encourage you to meet with a counselor to discuss your change of degree/major.
Office of Admissions & Records
3000 Campus Hill Drive, Bldg. 1600
Livermore, California 94551
Tel : (925) 424.1500
Fax : (925) 606.6437
JBM 6/23/2020
Full Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Last Name First Name Middle Name
Change home campus to Las Positas College
(By selecting LPC as your home campus, you are also required to select a Las Positas major by filling out the Change of Major Request section above.)
hange Major Code to: ___________
Title: ____________________________
Student’s Signature
IMPORTANT: This form must be submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records in person with photo identification. If this form is not filled out correctly, or
needs correction/clarification, you will be notified via your Zonemail account and your request will be on hold.
Catalog Rights means that you are held to the
graduation requirements listed in the catalog at the time
your continuous enrollment began, or in any
subsequent academic year during which you
maintained continuous enrollment.
To maintain continuous enrollment, you must have
enrolled in at least one term (Fall or Spring) each
academic year. Any academic record symbol (A-F, P, NP,
I, IP, RD, W) shall constitute enrollment.
Catalog Rights:
Catalog Year: ___________________________________
For Staff Use Only:
Fill out ALL fields below to declare a new major:
Be advised that changing your major may impact Financial Aid eligibility.
Visit the Financial Aid Office in Bldg. 1600 for more information.
Applied for Financial Aid?
Check this box if you have applied for Financial Aid for
the Academic Year you are changing your major.
Student ID #: _____________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Received by:
Staff: ____________________________
Date: ____________________________
Optional: If any of these departments or programs need to be notified of this change, please check all that apply: Financial Aid |
(ISP) International Student Program | (EOPS) Extended Opportunity Programs & Services | CalWORKs
(DSPS/DRC) Disabled Student Programs & Services | Veterans First Program | Umoja | Puente | (HSI) Hispanic Serving Institution
(Major codes here: www.laspositascollege.edu/class-schedule/majorcodes.php)
Effective Term* (finish the year for the term you want to update):
*Majors may not be updated for terms that have ended, unless approved by the Financial Aid Office.
Summer 20________ |
Fall 20________ | Spring 20________
AA Associate of Arts Degree
AS Associate of Science Degree
AS -T Associate of Science Transfer Degree
CA Certificate of Achievement
CO Certificate of Competency (These certificates are not transcripted)
CC Certificate of Completion
CE Certificate of Accomplishment
Processed by:
Staff: ________________
Date: ____________________________
Emailed the Following Departments
Financial Aid:
Date: ____________________________
"A student's home campus designation determines the college (Chabot College or Las Positas College) in which they may receive
support services including, but not limited to, Financial Aid, CalWORKs, CARE, and EOPS. A student's home campus is initially
determined by the submission of the admission application. A student's home campus designation may not be changed once a student
has been disbursed financial aid for the award year. A student may only change their home campus designation before receiving
financial aid for the award year."
Staff Member