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SOWELA Technical Community College
Business Office
3820 Senator J. Bennett Johnston Ave
Request Date: _________________ Please submit one request per meal served
1 Hos
t (Group/Individual)
2 Host’s Department
3 Contact
4 Contact Phone Contact Email
5 Event Date Event Time
6 Event Location
7 Event Name
Purpose of Event and
Benefit to the State
Culinary School Catered
9 Yes  No Caterer Name
Requisition Number
Additional Costs
(Should be specific to event) (Please attach itemized support)
Estimated Cost of Event
Per # of Total
Person Amount* Guests** Cost
Approvals Signature Title Date
Requesting Dept.
*Meal amount should follow PPM 49 guidelines. Copy of quote should be provided by caterer for requesting department to
calculate. If the amount exceeds the state allowance, the difference should be paid with appropriate private or foundation funds.
**Guest list template provided. Please fill out all pertaining event and attendee information including attendee name, signature,
affiliation and title.
Additional Notes:
1.) Itemized Receipt is required listing all items provided once event has taken place. Please do not provide basic credit card receipt with
only total.
2.) Reimbursement for alcohol on University Funds is prohibited.
3.) The use of LaCarte card to purchase alcohol is prohibited.
4.) Hover on input for quick instructions
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SOWELA Technical Community College
Business Office
3820 Senator J. Bennett Johnston Ave
Request for Approval of Special Meals Instructions
The Request Form should be completed by the requesting department and provided to the Chancellor for approval at least 2 weeks prior to
the event. The Chancellor's Office will forward the approved Special Meal Request to the Business Office. The Request Form should be
accompanied with the vendor quote for review prior to being processed. If the special meal is not in compliance, the department will be
contacted to discuss how the invoice will be handled.
For College guests, only one special meal will be reimbursed at the special meal rate allowance. If multiple meals must be provided for a guest,
the subsequent meals will be reimbursed at the per diem rate for the guest only and there is no reimbursement provision for employees
attending the subsequent meal, including the host employee.
The number of employees attending the special meal should be kept at a minimum.
Submit Requisitions as normal to the Business Office in advance of the meal so the estimate can be encumbered. Once the Special Meal
Request has been approved by the Chancellor, it will be compared to the Requisition received in the Business Office.
110 Fill out input lines with all information for the Special Meal Request.
(Row 8) The purpose of the event should be thorough describing how it is in the best interest of the school and the state.
(Row 9) Events catered by SOWELA’s culinary department, The Landing, should be marked “Yes” while all other caterers should be
marked “No”
A different Purchase Requisition number should be assigned to each specific event. This request only asks for the number to be
assigned for ease of tracking, the actual requisition will be turned in to the Business Office.
Once the meal is complete, the itemized receipt ( not a credit card receipt) from the vendor and the provided signin sheet should be
provided to the Business Office.
11 Estimated cost of the event should be within reason and within PPM 49 Guidelines S1509 Special Meals.
Please calculate the cost per invited guest based upon the quoted catered price.
If the meal exceeds the state allowance (PPM 49 Pocket Guide), the overage must be paid with private or foundation funds.
Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
Guest List (following pages): if possible, please send a preliminary list of guests with the Special Meal Request. The blank lists below
should be used for attendee sign in.
Note: Invited guests list is used for per person calculation despite how may actually attend the event.
Any questions or comments should be directed to Blake at Ext. 6918
Business Office
3820 Senator J. Bennett Johnston Ave.
Date of Meeting
Requisition Number
Purpose of Meeting
Explanation as to why this meal is in the best interest of the state
Attendee Print Name Attendee Signature Attendee Title Attendee Affiliation
Business Office
3820 Senator J. Bennett Johnston Ave.
Date of Meeting
Requisition Number
Purpose of Meeting
Explanation as to why this meal is in the best interest of the state
Attendee Print Name Attendee Signature Attendee Title Attendee Affiliation