In accordance with Series 31004, Section 7, of the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents for government of The University of Texas
System, approval is required for the use of materials authored by faculty:
Sec. 7 Materials Authored by Faculty. Although the authorship of books, outlines, manuals, and similar materials by members of the
faculty and staff should be encouraged, the prescribed use of these for students is a responsibility that goes beyond that of the
individual author. Whenever an approved fee includes a charge for such materials distributed through the classroom, the prices
should be as low as possible, consistent with the payment of any required royalty to the author or authors.
7.1 Required Approval. Textbooks, notebooks, manuals, or other materials for the use of students of an institution, written or
prepared by a member of the faculty of that institution, shall not be prescribed for the use of students in that institution or sold to
such students until approved by the dean, chief academic officer, and president of an institution, pursuant to policies included in
the institutional Handbook of Operating Procedures. At a minimum, these policies should provide for consultation with
departmental faculty.
Semester/Year Used: FALL _________________ SPG ___________________ SUM __________________
Faculty member(s) author(s): __________________________________________________________________
Department: _______________________________________________________________________________
Name of Textbook or Manual: _________________________________________________________________
Publisher: Most Recent Printed Date: _______________________
Cost to Student:
Monetary Benefit to Author(s): _________________________________________________________________
In what course(s) is the textbook to be used? _____________________________________________________
Textbook is Required? Supplemental reading: __________________________
Review procedure used to ensure that proposed textbook is appropriate for the course(s)?
Has proposed textbook been approved for use at U.T. Tyler? _________________________________________
Does proposed textbook replace a current textbook or manual? _______________________________________
If answer is “yes” give name of current book: ______________________________________________________
____________________________________________ _________________________________________
Department Chair Date Dean Date
____________________________________________ _________________________________________
Vice President for Academic Affairs Date President Date