I, ______________________________________________________________, solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury, that the above
(Print Name of Property Owner)
information relating to the dwelling located at ________________________________________________________, is true and correct to the
(Print Property/Dwelling Unit Address and Zip Code)
best of my knowledge, and that I will submit any change in the information relating to the Property Owner, Managing Operator, Resident Agent, or
Trustee, and the property owner’s Designated Agent (for receiving process, notices and any other papers from Baltimore County), not more than 30 days
after the change is made, and that I will comply with the requirements set forth in any correction notice and/or final order issued under 3-6-203 to 3-6-207,
Baltimore County Code, 2003 edition, as amended, within the required time period.
I also certify that there are _____________ dwelling unit(s) on this property and that I agree to allow the code official to inspect these dwelling unit(s).
(Total number of units)
I further understand that any violation of Article 35, Title 6, Section 35-6-101 through 35-6-113, and/or regulations adopted in accordance with, Baltimore
County Code, as amended, may result in the denial, suspension, revocation or non-renewal of the license and/or civil penalties of $25.00 per day for each
day a violation occurs and $200.00 per day for each day a correction notice is not complied with; and that the remedies available under this article are
cumulative and not exclusive, and that there will be a $1,000.00 fine for not complying with the Rental Registration Law.
Signature of the Property Owner: ________________________________________________________________________ Date______/______/______
NOTE: Separate Baltimore County law prohibits more then two unrelated adults from living together
unless the county authorizes the unit as a room or boarding house.
ROOMING OR BOARDING HOUSE – A building (a) which is the primary residence of the owner and in
which rooms are provided for compensation to three or more adult persons not related to the owner by
blood, marriage, or adoption; (b) which is not the owner’s residence and which is occupied in its entirety
by three or more adult persons not related to each other by blood, marriage, or adoption, (B.C.Z.R. 101),
MUST have a use permit.
The Rental Housing License is purely governmental in nature, and may not be construed as providing
any warranty or representation concerning the condition of the dwelling unit to the tenant or the public,
or that the premise is in compliance with all applicable county, state and federal laws and regulations.
(Property owner must comply with all Baltimore County Building, Fire and Zoning regulations).
Page 3 0f 3 of Application
PAI CER3 REV 11/11
Sign the application?
Designate a Legal Agent in Maryland?
Enclose License Fee and Payment Coupon made payable to Baltimore County,
MD? Enclose Photocopy of Lead Inspection Certificate? Enclose Carbon Monoxide Affidavit? Enclose Exemption Affidavit if applicable.
Rental License Inspection Sheet