Code Description
AA Alaska Aleut
AE Alaska Eskimo, Other/Unspecified
AH Alaska Indian, Haida
AI Alaska Indian, Other/Unspecified
AK Alaska Indian, Tlingit
AM Alaska Indian, Tsimshian
AN Alaska Native, Other/Unspecified
AQ Alaska Eskimo, Inupiaq
AS Alaska Native, Southeast
AT Alaska Indian, Athabascan
AY Alaska Eskimo, Yup’ik
BL Black, Non-Hispanic
IN American Indian (Not Alaska Native)
NH Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
SI Asian
UN Unspecified
WH White
* Requested for compliance with Title IV of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964.
Code Description
Blank Non-veteran
FMAI UAF Air Force Student
FMAR UAF Army Student
FMCO UAF Coast Guard Student
FMDP UAF Military Dependent
FMIL UAF Military Student
FMMA UAF Marine Corps Student
FMNA UAF Navy Student
FVDP UAF Veteran Dependent
FVET UAF Veteran Student
Oce of Admissions and the Registrar,
102 Signers’ Hall • PO Box 757480, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775
800-478-1823 • 907-474-7500
admissions@uaf.edu • registrar@uaf.edu
The Oce of Admissions and the Registrar is responsible for
keeping student education records. The full copy of the university’s
policies regarding access to student records under the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) are available
at www.alaska.edu/studentservices/ferpa/.
Directory Information
The university may release certain directory information to the
public on a routine basis unless a student requests, in writing,
that the university not release it. Forms to request that directory
information not be released are available in the Oce of
Admissions and the Registrar.
No directory information will be released until the last day of late
registration. Any request to withhold directory information will
continue until a student provides permission, in writing, for the
university to release such. After that, information will be released
when appropriate. The names of students who have requested
their directory information be withheld will not appear in the
published university chancellor’s and dean’s lists.
The following is considered directory information:
1. Name
2. Email address
3. Home city and state
4. Weight and height of students on athletic teams
5. Dates of attendance at UAF
6. Program/major field(s) of study
7. Degrees and certificates received, including dates
8. Participation in ocially recognized university activities
9. Academic and co-curricular honors, awards and scholarships
received, including dates
An additional $100 fee will be added to accounts which are not
paid by the withdrawal deadline. The university may drop you for
For more information about fees, contact the Oce of the Bursar
at 907-474-7384.
Bristol Bay Campus
Fax: 907-842-5692
Chukchi Campus
Fax 907-442-2322
Interior Alaska Campus
Fax: 907-474-5208
Kuskokwim Campus
Fax: 907-543-4527
Northwest Campus
Fax: 907-443-5602
Fairbanks Campus
Email: registrar@uaf.edu
Community and Technical College
Email: uaf-ctc@alaska.edu
CRCD Fairbanks Oce
Fax: 907-474-6280
Submit in person or transmit to your campus: