(See instructions on next page)
Banner ID
Appointment Reappointment
Does student have Conditional/Unconditional admission? Yes No
Position: GA
GRA GTAsst GTAssoc
Position previously held by
# months Percent time
Beginning date*
Ending date**
*Positions begin August 1 but not before student has been admitted to Graduate Studies.
**10 month positions end on Saturday prior to Summer--I. 12 month positions end July 31.
Monthly stipend
Responsible acct name/number
Distribution acct name/number
Work schedule (including times when classes are not in session, i.e. Fall or Spring Break)
Course load: Minimum
6 hours Maximum
For a half-time appointment, the course load must be at least six hours of degree credit
coursework and no more than 9 hours. An additional 3 hours can be taken with approval of
Coordinator and GA supervisor.
Attach a job description. Additional stipulations
Supervisor (name and title)
Office space available in room
Equipment/supplies provided by Department of
Does student have any other appointment?
Recommended by
According to the UTM Policies & Procedures Governing Graduate Assistantships and
Fellowships at UT Martin, all appointments are made by the Dean of Graduate Studies based on
the following criteria.
1. Applicants for graduate assistantships or fellowships must meet the following qualifications:
A. Undergraduate Degree: Applicants for a graduate assistantship or fellowship must
possess an undergraduate degree.
B. Admission Status: Applicants must meet all requirements for unconditional or
conditional admission to their desired degree program.
C. Course Load: Applicants must enroll in two graduate-level courses required for their
degree program unless they are in their final semester (full-time status required for
fellowship recipients).
D. Academic Standing and Continuation of Appointment: Applicants should have
achieved, and should continue to maintain, an excellent academic record. Failure to
maintain good academic standing (minimum cumulative gpa of 3.00) will result in one
semester of probationary status for that student’s appointment as a GA. Failure to
achieve good academic standing at the end of the probationary semester will result in
immediate termination of the GA appointment. A student may only receive one semester
of probationary status as a GA at UT Martin.
E. Appointment Area: Applicants for graduate assistantships should be studying for an
advanced degree in the same field to which they will be appointed as a GA or in a closely
related field in which they have substantial background.
F. Teaching Requirements: Graduate Teaching Associates must also have completed at
least 18 graduate semester hours in their teaching field (SACS Criterion 4.8.4).
2. International students may not apply for an assistantship until they have completed at least
one term of full time work at UT Martin. Their knowledge of the specific field in which they
may work, and their command of the English language, must be evaluated thoroughly by
faculty supervisors before an award is made.
In order to prepare an appointment letter, the Office of Graduate Studies must have the
information requested on the reverse side.
1. Graduate (Service) Assistants (GA)
GAs are appointed to perform various duties other than those directly related to teaching or
research. Most commonly, these duties relate to supervisory or administrative functions of
the university. These duties should be relevant to the graduate program and professional
goals of the student.
2. Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA)
GTAs work under the direct supervision of a regular faculty member in activities such as
helping to prepare lectures, teaching discussion sections, conducting laboratory exercises,
grading papers, and keeping class records. The GTA works to gain teaching skills and an
increased understanding of the discipline.
3. Graduate Teaching Associates (GTAssoc)
Exceptionally experienced graduate students may be assigned primary responsibility of
teaching undergraduate courses, including the assignment of final grades. Requires at least
18 graduate semester hours in their teaching field (SACS Criterion 4.8.4).
4. Graduate Research Assistants (GRA)
GRAs are generally financed through a gift, grant, or contract. Ideally GRAs will be assigned
a range of duties, such as library searches, field work, laboratory experiments, and
preparation of reports, so as to gain professional skills to complement their graduate
programs. The student's work should be closely supervised by a mentor.