Return to: Arkansas Real Estate Commission | 612 South Summit St | Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: (501) 683-8010 Fax: (501) 683-8020
Is the school currently approved/licensed in other states: __________ If YES, please list the state(s): ________
How does your school maintain student records (attendance, academic progress, etc.)?
Paper Records Electronic Records Both Paper and Electronic Records
Under penalty of perjury, I declare and arm that the statements made on this form, including any attached
sheets, are true, complete, and accurate, and I arm that I have read Regulation 16.2 (a)4 and Arkansas Code
§17-42-500 et.seq. and the Rules and Regulations of the Arkansas Real Estate Commission and that if a license
is granted, I will operate in compliance with the laws of Arkansas and the Regulations of the Arkansas Real
Estate Commission.
Has this school ever had a professional license or certicate suspended or revoked? __________ If YES, please
provide written documentation as to the cause of the suspension or revocation including not less than: the
state in which the action took place, the date of the action, and any other pertinent information concerning
the suspension or revocation.
Has the owner of this school ever had a professional license or certicate suspended or revoked?
__________ If YES, provide written documentation as to the cause of the suspension or revocation, the name
of the school, the state where the incident occurred, the date of the action, and any other pertinent informa-
tion concerning the suspension or revocation.
Has the Arkansas Real Estate Commission been placed on the school’s email and mailing lists? __________ If
NO, please add AREC to the school’s email and mailing lists.
Student Records - Student records are required to be maintained by the school. Submit a copy of the student
record documents.
Maintenance of Records - Method of record maintenance and accessibility to records.
Principal Instructor’s Name: ______________________________________
Principal Instructor’s Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ______________