(To be Renamed Restorative Dental Technology Program Fall of 2017)
Application Period: Year Round
Incomplete Application will not be processed
Print Name: ______________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________
Last First Middle Initial
Social Security #: ______________________________________________________________________
PCC student Identication numbers are not accepted in place of a social security number
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip Code:____________
Cell Phone #:_____________________________________ Home Phone #:_____________________________________
E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
One ofcial transcript of all colleges and high school attended and/or GED Certicate (if applicable) must be submitted with
this application. A second ofcial transcript must be sent to the Records Ofce upon acceptance to the Program. The Division
of Health Sciences will not retrieve scanned transcripts.
Mark all documents included with this Application:
____ Ofcial U.S. High School Transcript ____ GED Certicate
____ Foreign Equivalency Report ____ Other _____________________________
Your last name while in high school: _________________________________________________
Are you a U.S. Veteran or spouse of a U.S. Veteran?
____ Yes (please submit a copy of your DD214 with this Application)
____ I am not a U.S. Veteran or spouse of a U.S. Veteran
College degree(s) received:
____ Associates ____ Baccalaureate ____ Masters ____ Doctoral
List all colleges/universities attended:
1. _______________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________
Ethnic background:
____ Asian/Pacic Islander ____ Black/African ____ American Caucasian, non-Hispanic
____ Hispanic ____ Native American ____ Other: ________________________
____ Decline to state
Have you ever attended a Dental Technology Program and not completed the program?
____ Yes ____ No
If Yes, list the courses completed: ____________________________________________________________________________
I certify that all information on this Application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any falsication and/or
withholding of information will disqualify this application.
_____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _________________
Previous Maiden Name (if applicable) Applicant’s Ink Signature Date