Leadership Self-Assessment
This assessment is composed of questions to help define your current leadership
competencies. Please read each statement carefully, then rate yourself in terms of the
degree to which you think you possess the attribute or perform the leadership skill. This is
not a test. There is no right or wrong answer. Please respond to every statement. Do not
answer in terms of how you would like to see yourself, what you should be doing, or how
you think others view you. Instead, be realistic and honest with yourself.
The assessment provides three choices:
Do not do well
Do somewhat well
Do well
After you have completed the assessment, go back and place a check beside the categories
you will include in your Personal Development Plan and work on for this program. Consider
especially the skills you do not do well and what you might do to improve them. This is where
you are likely to grow the most. Think about stretching yourself 10 percent.
Remember, this assessment is for your benefit in thinking about the leadership goals you want
to establish for the Leadership Development Program. Please keep in mind the attributes and
skills you hope to establish when completing your Personal Development Plan.
How Do I Use the Leadership Self-Assessment?
The purpose of this self- assessment tool is to help you think about the many skills and
attributes of leadership, the ones you already possess, and the ones you would like to
develop. There is no way that any one person can master all of these, even in a lifetime. For
the purposes of the Leadership Development Program, this instrument is intended to help you
assess your strengths and weaknesses, why you think you are strong or weak in these
attributes, and ways in which you wish to develop. From this assessment, you should be able
to develop your goals for your Personal Development Plan.
First, go through the assessment and think about the attributes and skills in regards to how
well you perform them. Second, go through the assessment and select a few specific
leadership categories you will focus on developing over the course of this program. Although it
is expected that you will develop to some extent in all the skills and attributes, it is important to
focus your attention on a handful of specific skills, and develop an intentional plan on how you
intend to grow or develop them.
Will Work
Personal Leadership Development
Do not
do well
Do some
what well
Understands Leadership
I am aware of my leadership strengths and weaknesses.
I take initiative on projects.
I build relationships with others in order to reach a mutual goal.
I understand the underlying concepts of leadership.
I adapt my leadership style to different situations.
I have a personal philosophy of leadership.
Is Self Aware
I am aware of my attitudes, values, biases, and prejudices.
I engage in activities that build or improve my leadership abilities.
I pay attention to how my language and behavior may be perceived by
I am able to exert self-discipline and control over my behavior.
I know my personal power to make a difference in my life and others.
Practices Ethical Behavior
I understand the ethical responsibilities that come with leadership.
I follow through on commitments I make.
I am trustworthy.
I act in accordance with my words, e.g., “walk the talk.”
I lead by setting a positive example for others.
Sustains Leadership
I am aware a life-long learner.
I reflect on situations and learn from them.
I am resilient. When things don’t work out, I learn from it and bounce
I provide opportunities for others to be leaders.
Will Work
Interpersonal Leadership Development
Do not
do well
Do some
what well
Values Diversity
I value that each person is different.
I treat each person with respect.
I work effectively with others who are different from me.
I reach out to include other people.
Enhances Communication Skills
I listen carefully to understand what another person is saying.
To avoid misunderstanding, I ask questions to clarify what the other
person is saying.
I say what I mean and mean what I say.
When I speak, my message is clear.
I can express a view that differs from others in effective ways.
To get different perspectives, I ask for input from a wide range of
I establish rapport with people.
I influence others through what I say and how I say it.
I seek feedback from others, even if it might be negative.
I initiate relationships with others.
Manages Conflict
I work to solve problems, not blame others, when we hit a stone wall.
I am able to give constructive negative feedback to others when
I initiate successful resolution of conflict with others.
I can manage conflict to create positive change.
Will Work
Interpersonal Leadership Development
Do not
do well
Do some
what well
Develops Teams
I value the contribution each person makes to a team.
I help a group identify a common goal.
When working in a team situation, I help the group keep its focus.
I help ensure that everyone is kept informed and information is shared
When I’m responsible for a task or project, I follow through in a timely
I work well with others on a team.
I help the team determine how it will work together as a team.
Commits to Serving Others
I try to make a difference for causes that are greater than my own
I volunteer to serve others in the community.
I engage with culturally different groups in the community.
I reflect on my community service to learn more about myself.
I help people in a community organize to undertake a worthwhile
I help people who do not have a voice at the policy table develop a way
to be heard.
I understand the diversity and complexity of communities.
I try to make a difference in my community.
I understand social injustice, prejudices and biases in our society and
work to eliminate them.