Eligibility for Entitlement Awards for Academic Year: 20 ___ ___ to 20 ___ ___
(Return by February 1of year prior to attending only if your response is Yes to one or more of the programs listed below)
Please note that these awards may alter any existing awards you may have already received
Student Name: ____________________________________ SSN (last 4 digits): ________________________
Home Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
I will be: _______ An Entering Student _______ A Returning Student
I wish to be considered for the award program(s) indicated below. I understand that the combination of college non-need based
grants/scholarships plus Virginia Tuition Assistant Grant (VTAG) will not exceed tuition:
1. Family Tuition Grant
I will have one or more sisters or brothers enrolled at Randolph-Macon College. ______Yes ______ No
If yes, please give name(s) and class year at Randolph-Macon. _____________________________________________
2. Pre-ministerial Grant
I am planning a career in a church-related vocation. ______Yes ______ No
Please attach a statement of your career goals and have your pastor submit a letter of recommendation supporting your church related career. Please
note that this grant becomes a loan if you do not enter a full-time church-related career. A. Purnell Bailey recipients must choose this grant or the Bailey;
both are not permitted.
3. Alumni Legacy Grant
I have a legacy connection to Randolph-Macon College because my father, mother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandmother, or
grandfather attended the college. _____ Yes _____No
If yes, please list your legacy’s name, relationship to you and the year(s) attended R-MC:
4. Employee Tuition Remission
My parent/spouse is employed full-time at Randolph-Macon College and claims me as a tax dependent _____Yes ____ No
Please give name of parent/spouse: ________________________________ Date of Employment: ______________
Please note that the Tuition Remission award replaces all Randolph-Macon non-need based awards (such as academic scholarships, endowed
scholarships, Legacy grants, Diversity grants, Out-of-State grants, FAFSA Filer grant, Family grants, Minister’s Family grants, Pre-ministerial grants.
FAFSA Filer grants, YJ Connect Awards, and Convergence grants), and when combined with the Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant that you are
required to complete equals tuition.
5. Veteran’s Administration GI Bill
I am eligible for GI Bill benefits and also wish to be considered for the Yellow Ribbon Program _____Yes _____ No
I understand that the R-MC Yellow Ribbon Program is limited and awarded on a first come, first serve basis. Please send a copy of your Certificate of
Eligibility to the Financial Aid Office.
6. Minister’s Family Grant
My parent/spouse is a United Methodist Minister serving the Virginia Conference. ______Yes ______ No
If yes, please have the endorsement below completed:
This is to certify that ______________________________________________ is a Minister of the United Methodist
Church serving the Virginia Conference. He/she is currently assigned to the ________________________________ Church
in the ___________________________________ District.
Name of District Superintendent: ___________________________________________________
Signature of District Superintendent: ________________________________________ Date: _________________
Student Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Please return to: Financial Aid Office, Randolph-Macon College, P. O. Box 5005, Ashland, Virginia 23005-5505