RA 9048 Form No. 4.2 (Philippine Consulate General, NY)
(Revised 30 Sept. 2010)
Republic of the Philippines
Philippine Consulate General
New York, New York
_______________________________) SS Petition No. ______________________
I, _______________________________________________________, of legal age, _________,
and a resident of _____________________________________________________________________,
(complete address)
after having duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby declare that:
1) I am the petitioner seeking the change of first name in:
a. [ ] my Certificate of Live Birth
b. [ ] the Certificate of Live Birth of ___________________________________________
(complete name of owner)
who is my ____________________________________________.
(relation of owner to the petitioner)
2) I/He/She was born on __________________ at ______________________________________,
(city/ municipality)
______________________________________________, _____________________________________.
(province) (country)
3) The birth was recorded under registry number ________________________________________.
4) The first name to be changed is from _____________________________________________to
5) The grounds for filing this petition are the following: (Ground selected should be explained/
justified in a separate sheet of paper to be attached to this form.)
a. [ ] The first name is extremely difficult to write or pronounce;
b. [ ] I have/He/She has habitually and continuously used ______________________
________________________ and I/he/she is publicly known in the community
with that first name;
c. [ ] The first name is tainted with dishonor;
d. [ ] The first name is ridiculous;
e. [ ] The first name causes confusion;
6) I submit the following documents to support this petition: (Use additional sheets, if necessary)
a. ________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________
7) I have/He/She has not filed any similar petition and that, to the best of my knowledge, no other
similar petition is pending with any LCRO, Court or Philippine Consulate.
8) I am filing this petition at the Philippine Consulate General of New York, New York, USA in
accordance with R.A. No. 9048 and its implementing rules and regulations.
Signature over printed name of petitioner
Philippine Consulate General in Los Angeles, California