Mission College Student Learning Outcomes
Assessment Summary
Program / Department: Course Coordinator:
Course: Semester of Assessment:
Number of sections:
Previous Assessment:
Student Learning
SLO Assessment
Results of the
Evidence of
☐ E-mail Discussion with ☐ Faculty ☐ Administration ☐ Staff ☐ Other
[List anyone not listed above under Participants.]
☐ Departmental Meetings:
Minutes posted:
☐ Division Meetings:
Minutes posted:
Moving Forward
Next Assessment *
Changes *
*If changes are made to the course or the SLO and/or its Assessment Instrument, reassessment should take
place as soon as possible.
Naming Protocol: Department name Course number SLO # Semester (Example: ECON 001A SLO 2 SP 14).
Fred Allen, Amelia Akers-Martin, Chia Green
Students will respond adequately to spoken and written language appropriate for this level
and will write simple sentences using common vocabulary
70% of students will achieve this SLO.
Students were asked to write fifteen sentences in simple present tense, including affirmative
and negative statements and questions. They were given all the time they needed and were
required to attempt all the questions. The instructor divided the number of verb forms
attempted by the number correctly written.
82% of students achieved a passing score.
The fact that students were not timed was helpful with stress and performance. The
assessment was clearly labeled "test" this time (instead of exercise or quiz) which the
instructor believes caused the students to put more focus on the activity and do their best.
[Name(s) of file on P drive]
[Name(s) of file on P drive]
[Specify the committee(s) and Date(s)]
Allowing students to complete SLO assessments without a specific time limit may be
something we need to investigate for all noncredit classes.