216 Arch Street, 4
Floor • Philadelphia, PA 19107 • 215-893-8400 • 215-735-9718 (f)
www.nscphila.org • www.nsc-languages.org
An affiliate of:
esearch Request Application
Please complete and submit to your NSC staff contact.
1. Briefly describe the intended goal of your proposed project.
2. H
ow will your project benefit NSC’s clientele?
3. W
hat is your proposed project timeline?
4. W
hat assistance will you require from NSC staff?
5. W
hat challenges do you anticipate?
216 Arch Street, 4
Floor • Philadelphia, PA 19107 • 215-893-8400 • 215-735-9718 (f)
www.nscphila.org • www.nsc-languages.org
An affiliate of:
6. What support do you already have in place for this project? Please include a description of
financial support with a particular focus on client incentives and/or transportation as well as
costs for interpretation and translation.
7. Does your project require IRB approval? What is your plan for obtaining said approval?
Please note any other comments here.