Membership Dues (updated October 2021)
You can join the Rotary Club of Vancouver in one of eight (8) membership categories:
Regular member
Senior member (over age 65)
Young Leader (under age 40)
Young Professionals Division (under age 40)
Corporate member with 3 members
Corporate member with 2 members
Family member
rship fees differ per category. A one-time initiation fee is also applicable. The Rotary Club of Vancouver Fee
Structure is as follows:
* Plus GST
† Additional charges may apply based on frequency of attendance and number of corporate or family
members participating in club luncheons. The quarterly meal charges include 12 lunches for that quarter;
each lunch beyond 12 will be charged on a cost recovery basis, currently $52.00 per person (tax included).
Individual couple, corporate representative, and family members can, on or before July 1, October 1,
January 1 and/or April 1, elect to pay the quarterly meal charges of $350 for the subsequent quarter. If they
do, meals eaten by them shall not be counted in the limit of 12 for that quarter for the couple, corporate or
family membership. Additionally, if such a choice reduces the representative corporate or family
membership to one person, after excluding representatives who have elected to pay quarterly meal charges
on an individual basis, the quarterly meal charge for the remaining corporate or family member will be
reduced from $565 to $350.
Members over the age of 65 receive a 10% discount on their dues. Individual members under 40 receive a 40%
discount on their dues.
Guests are always welcome! The guest/visiting Rotarian rate is $52.00 (tax included), payable at the door.
We encourage Rotarians to make up missed meetings at other clubs. For each official make-up card you submit from
another club (indicating you attended a regular meal meeting of that club), you will receive a $15 refund, paid out at
the end of the fiscal year.
Though all members are encouraged to attend the weekly regular meetings, we acknowledge in some
circumstances this isn’t possible. Therefore, the Board will consider written requests to register as a “pay-as-you-
go” for meals in special circumstances. Young Professional Division members are on “pay-as-you-go” for meals.
For more information, please contact our Membership Committee Chairs, Franz Gehriger fgehriger@swissreal.com
P.O. Box 48358 Bentall, Vancouver, BC V7X 1A1 ● admin@rotaryvancouver.org
initiation fee*
Standard Dues*
Meal Charges*
$530.00 + GST
$512.00 + GST
$458.00 + GST
Young Professionals Division
$108.00 + GST
$530.00 + GST
$880.00 + GST
Corporate with 3 members†
$914.00 + GST
Corporate with 2 members†
$860.00 + GST
$914.00 + GST