Chapter 16: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea 159
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Name: Date: Class:
Chapter 16: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
and Republic of Korea
Quick Review
Directions: For each question, write the letter of the BEST response on the line beside each question.
_______ 1. Which physical feature of the Koreas is responsible for thousands of square miles of land
that are unpopulated?
a. archipelago
b. peninsula
c. mountainous
d. snowy climate
_______ 2. Which of these resources do the Koreas have to import?
a. coal
b. lead
c. oil
d. zinc
_______ 3. What is a major environmental issue across the Korean Peninsula?
a. air pollution
b. oil spills
c. desertification
d. deforestation
_______ 4. Which is true of South Korea that is not true of North Korea?
a. capitalism
b. communism
c. peninsular
d. mountainous
_______ 5. What is the impact of geography on where people live in North Korea?
a. North Korea’s arctic climate in the north
b. North Korea’s mountainous regions
c. North Korea’s tropical rain forests in the south
d. North Korea’s desert climate in the west
_______ 6. What best describes the people of Korea?
a. diverse
b. ethnically divided
c. ethnically homogenous
d. religiously homogenous
Continued on next page.
160 Chapter 16: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea
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Directions: On the line, write whether the description is North Korea, South Korea, or Both.
_____________________ 7. peninsula
_____________________ 8. autocracy
_____________________ 9. capitalism
_____________________ 10. Kim Jong-un
_____________________ 11. communism
_____________________ 12. homogenous
_____________________ 13. democratic
_____________________ 14. wealthy
_____________________ 15. mountainous
_____________________ 16. Korean language
_____________________ 17. US ally
_____________________ 18. hatred of the United States
_____________________ 19. Chinese ally
_____________________ 20. industrialized
Directions: Write a complete paragraph contrasting the lives of people in North Korea with those in
South Korea. Be sure to explain why they are different.