Quality — ORS §741.001(4): “Improve health care quality and public health, mitigate health disparities linked to race,
ethnicity, primary language and similar factors…”
In addition to the Quality Improvement Strategies required in 45 CFR §156.1130, the Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace
is working to align with quality initiatives in place or in progress with the Oregon Health Authority.
3. Some individual or small group market commercial plans may have quality incentive or value-based payment strategies
that are also in place in coverage offered through the Oregon Health Plan (OHP), the Public Employees Benefit Board
(PEBB), and/or the Oregon Educators Benefit Board (OEBB). If you currently include, or plan to include, any of these
quality incentive or value-based payment strategies in your individual or small group market commercial plans, please
provide the following information for each strategy you include or plan to include in these plans:
■ Name of the strategy or initiative and effective date
■ Describe how the strategy has performed in OHP, PEBB, and/or OEBB – explain the annual change in per-member cost
and/or quality scores for the program’s success metrics
■ If currently implemented in individual or small group commercial plans, describe how the strategy has performed –
identify the plans/networks and scope of providers that participate in the quality incentive or value-based program,
and explain the annual change in per-member cost and/or quality scores for the program’s success metrics
■ If not currently implemented in individual or small group commercial plans, describe how the strategy is expected to
perform – explain the program’s success metrics and the targeted change in those metrics