Department of
Agriculture and Fisheries
Dear Principal/Teacher
Consent form (for use of images, recordings and other works)
DAF Hermitage Research Facility Schools Plant Science Competition
This letter is to inform you that we (the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
(DAF) Hermitage Research Facility) are required to gain parental consent in order to
use (for promotional purposes) any images, recordings and other works that are
submitted by students as part of the Hermitage Research Facility Schools Plant
Science Competition. More information about the use of images, recordings and
other works can be found in the attached Queensland Government Film/Photo
Consent Form.
Can you please organise for this consent form to be circulated to the parents of each
child participating in the competition, so they can decide whether any photos or other
submitted works (featuring or done by their children) can be used by the Department
for further promotion of the competition and agricultural science in general.
Please return the completed consent forms to the Hermitage Research Facility (via
post or scan/email) at your earliest convenience.
In instances where consent is not given, can you please ensure all submitted works
from those students (including photos within reports) be clearly labelled as not
approved for departmental use.
If you require any further information regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to
contact me on telephone 07 4660 3666 or email
Yours sincerely
Kerrie Rubie
Administrative Officer / Competition Coordinator