Any applicant for admission, under eighteen (18) years of age and not a high school graduate, may be admitted
under certain conditions. Those conditions are (1) submit a recommendation to attend signed by the appropriate
public or private school official (2) achieve appropriate scores on a college placement test toward the intended
course(s) and (3) to obtain approval from the Vice President for Student Services or designee. Each of these
criteria will need to be met every quarter. The student and parent or legal guardian may be required to meet with
the Vice President for Student Services or designee for an interview. The purpose of the interview is:
To assess the student’s ability to communicate independently on his or her own behalf
with college staff.
To determine if the potential student is competent at an appropriate academic level and/or
artistic or technical level to be successful
To determine if the potential student is judged to have the ability and maturity to
participate in an adult learning environment.
The college does not desire to replace or duplicate the functions of the local public schools so admission
exceptions are rare. Students will be admitted on a space available basis.
Student name(print)_________________________________Address___________________________________
Birth date_________________ Age when class starts________ Grade level in high school (9,10,11,12)________
Class you wish to take:
Department & Course #
(e.g. ENGL 101)
Meeting Days
M T W Th F S
M T W Th F S
Copy of CPT scores (not needed for non-credit classes)
Signed Parent or Legal Guardian Permission Form
High school principal or counselor authorization and support. (Not needed for non credit courses)
Name (print)/ Title __________________________________________________________________
School/Home School__________________________________________________________________
Phone _____________________________Email________________________________
Signature __________________________________________________________________
Special Notes __________________________________________________________________
For Admissions & Registration office use only: _______Approve _______Deny