Pursuant to N.C.G.S § 115D-39(a), “when an employer other than the Armed Forces . . . pays tuition for an employee to
attend [a community college] and . . . the employee works at a North Carolina business location, the employer shall be
charged the in-state tuition rate.” If a student is employed at a North Carolina business location and the employer of the
student working at the North Carolina business location wants to pay for the student to attend a community college, the
employer shall be charged the in-state tuition rate.
(*Return this form with the requested documents to the Assistant Vice President, Student Support*)
• The employer must be an incorporated business that is listed on the NC Secretary of State’s website and include
the Business Registration listing. Documented proof from the NC Secretary of State of this incorporated
business must be submitted with this Business Sponsorship from.
• The employer must provide a letter of sponsorship on company letterhead that student is currently employed.
• The student must provide latest two pay stubs from sponsor.
• The employer must pay using a company check for the exact tuition amount given from the Cashier’s Office and
accompanied with the above items and this form.
• Completed forms must be submitted 2 weeks prior to the payment due date to be effective for that semester.
Employer Name __________________________________________________ Employer Tax ID # _________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________________________ State _____ Zip Code ________________________
E-mail Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Semester Sponsorship date ____________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Individual Authorized by Employer to Approve Business Sponsorship:
Print Name Signature
Student Name __________________________________________Student ID#___________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________ State _____ Zip Code _____________________________________________
E-mail Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________
For Office Use Only
To Cashiers Office:
Approved for in-state tuition rate – Employer pay: ____________________________________________ ______________
Assistant Vice President, Student Support (signature) Date
Assistant Vice President, Student Support
Pitt Community College, Vernon White Building, Room 115
PO Drawer 7007
Greenville, NC 27835-7007
Telephone: 252-493-7211 Fax: 252-321-4333
E-mail: jlspain@email.pittcc.edu
Form for
Business Sponsored Students