Grants/Federal Funds: End-users must notify Purchasing staff that a grant or federal
funds are used prior to the solicitation process. Government grantees must follow the
procurement regulations set forth in the Uniform Grant Guidance 2 CFR 200.318-
200.326, General Procurement Standards. There is a separate policy, Procedures for
Purchasing with Federal Grant Funds that must be followed in order to receive grant
Quotes or Informal Bids: Three (3) written quotes are required for procurement of goods
or services from $2,000 to $49,999.99. Departments shall use the quote form found under
Forms/Purchasing in the CWShare Drive (See Exhibit B) for all solicitations under
$25,000. Specifications for quotes over $25,000 should be submitted to the
Purchasing office and it will be posted on Public Purchase.
Historically Underutilized Business(HUB): Texas Local Government Code 252 requires
a city, in making an expenditure of more than $3,000 but less than $50,000, to contact
at least two HUBs on a rotating basis, based on information provided by the
Texas Comptroller’s Office pursuant to Chapter 2161 of the Government Code
( If the list fails to identify a HUB in the
county in which the city is located, the city is exempt. TX LGC §252.0215
To research HUBs and comply with this section, visit . Print the list of vendors or
message that states no vendors were found for your records and attach to the requisition.
Formal/Competitive Sealed Bids: State law requires a formal, competitive process
for purchases of more than $50,000 (Texas Local Government Code 252.021). Any
City department requiring a purchase which involves the expenditure of $50,000 or
over, shall be required to obtain competitive sealed bids or proposals. The following
procedures shall be followed to facilitate the bidding process. All competitive bids must go
through the Purchasing Department. Specifications should be submitted to the Purchasing
office to allow a minimum of eight (8) weeks until award.
A city may not avoid the application of competitive bidding or proposal laws by
purposely dividing a single purchase into smaller components so that each
component purchase is less than $50,000. Chapter 252 of the Local Government
Code prohibits the use of “separate, sequential, or component purchases” as a
means of avoiding bidding requirements.
Specifications: The requesting department for which the items are budgeted will be
responsible for preparing and/or assisting Purchasing in the development of specifications
and/or any required scope of services. Purchasing will assist the department in any way
necessary to develop specifications that will promote full and unrestricted competition.
Departments should provide the Purchasing division at least two (2) weeks to properly
prepare a solicitation. It is imperative that departments carefully plan their requests giving
consideration to the Purchasing division’s timelines in connection with department