Soundness is explained in National Planning
Policy Framework (NPPF) paragraph 182. The
Inspector has to be satised that the Plan is
positively prepared, justied, eective and
consistent with national policy.
More details and further guidance on what is
meant by the term ‘soundness’ can be found
below and at;
Positively prepared
This means that the Plan should be prepared
based on a strategy which seeks to meet
objectively assessed development and
infrastructure requirements, including unmet
requirements from neighbouring authorities where
it is reasonable to do so and consistent with
achieving sustainable development.
The Plan should be the most appropriate strategy
when considered against reasonable alternatives,
based on a proportionate, robust and credible
evidence base.
The Plan should be deliverable over its period
and based on eective joint working on cross-
boundary strategic priorities, sound infrastructure
delivery planning and no regulatory or national
planning barriers. It should be exible to changing
Consistent with national policy
The Plan should be consistent with national
policy. Departure must be clearly justied.
If you think the content of the Plan is not sound
because it does not include a policy where it
should do, you should go through the following
steps before making representations:
Is the issue with which you are concerned
already covered specically by national
planning policy? If so it does not need to be
• Is what you are concerned with covered by
any other policies in the Plan on which you
are seeking to make representations or in any
other Plan?
• If the policy is not covered, how is the Plan
unsound without the policy?
• If the Plan is unsound without the policy, what
should the policy say?
Using the spaces provided please give details of
why you think the Publication Draft Local Plan is
not ‘sound having regard to the legal compliance,
duty to cooperate and the four requirements
set out above. You should try to support your
representation by evidence showing why the Plan
should be modied. If your representation is
over 100 words please include a summary of
its main points in the box provided.
It will be helpful if you also say precisely
how you think the Plan should be modied.
Representations should cover succinctly all
information, evidence and supporting information
necessary to support/justify the representation
and suggested modication, as there will not
normally be a further opportunity to make
submissions based on the original representation
made at publication.
Where there are groups who share a common
view on how they wish to see a Plan modied,
it would be very helpful for that group to send
a single representation which represents the
view. In such cases the group should indicate
how many people it is representing and how the
representation has been authorised.
All the formal representations received during this
stage will be submitted to and considered by the
appointed independent Planning Inspector at the
public examination on the Plan. The process is
likely to include public hearings. The Inspector
will determine the most appropriate procedure to
adopt to hear those who choose to participate at
this stage. If you would like to appear and speak
at the hearings, please state this and explain
in the space provided why you consider it is
necessary that you participate.
Representations can be sent:
• Via the Council’s online consultation portal:
• Via a representation form which can
be downloaded from the website and
returned via email to
• or by post to:
Planning Policy,
Braintree District Council
Causeway House