MR #:
Northern California
Please check the items below that are signicant current problems for your child/teen.
Is it hard for your child to focus and pay attention?
No (skip to next section)
Yes (complete items below)
Make careless mistakes or does not pay attention to details
Problems paying attention/staying focused
Avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to complete tasks that
require sustained mental eort (homework, chores)
Problems with organization
Lose things easily
Easily distracted
Does not listen when spoken to directly
Does not follow through on instructions or work
Does your child have a hard time controlling their words
or behaviors?
No (skip to next section) Ye
s (complete items below)
Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat
Leaves classroom or other seat inappropriately
Excessively runs about, climbs, or is restless
Diculty p
laying q
Always “on the go”
Talks excessively
Blurts out answers to questions
Diculty a
waiting t
Interrupts or intrudes on others
Is y
our child feeling sad, depressed, or irritable?
No (skip to next section)
Yes (complete items below)
Depressed or irritable mood much of the time
Problems sleeping
Fatigue or loss of energy
Decreased interest or pleasure in activities
Increased/decreased appetite
Increased/decreased physical activity
Feeling worthless or excessively guilty
Problems thinking, concentrating, or being indecisive
Is your child often worried or anxious?
No (skip to next section)
Yes (complete items below)
Excessive anxiety or worry (about past behaviors,
future events, competence)
Phobia or extreme fear
Excessive fear of social situations or public speaking
Avoids social situations or public speaking
Avoids or refuses to go to school
Persistent worry about harm to family members
Excessive distress when separated from family
Persistent refusal to sleep alone
Repeated nightmares about separation from family
Repeating behaviors (e.g., counting, washing)
Is your child often angry at others?
No (skip to next section)
Yes (complete items below)
Blame others for my mistakes
Angry most of the time
Easily annoyed by others
Go against adult requests or rules
Back talk or argue with adults
Deliberately annoys people
Lose temper
Desire to hurt others or get revenge
Has your child experienced or witnessed a traumatic event
.e., car, accident, death, earthquake)?
No (skip to next section) Ye
s (complete items below)
Ongoing negative thoughts about what happened
Ongoing negative feelings about what happened
Recurrent distressing dreams about the event
Flashbacks about the event
Attempts to avoid memories, thoughts, or feelings about
t happened