The consent form must include ALL of the following items, IF APPLICABLE, and in the following order in
language that is readable/understandable (eight grade reading level or lower) to the subject’s legally authorized
representative. Failure to do so may result in IRB approval delays. NOTE: The form should be in the third person
(i.e. the “you” form).
Study involves research and the purpose of the research
The time it will take the subject to participate in the study
Procedures to be followed and which procedures are experimental
Reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts
Benefits to the subject or others
Alternative procedures of treatment
How the subject’s confidentially will be maintained
Confidentiality of records which identify the subject
If more than minimal risk: availability of medical treatment in the case of research related injury, including
who will pay for the treatment and whether other financial compensation is available-also, if there is a
potential for emotional/psychological risk, you must be able to provide proper counseling and indicate who
will provide the counseling
Whom to contact for answers to pertinent questions about the research and the research subject’s rights, and
whom to contact in the event of a research related injury
Participation is voluntary; refusal will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is
otherwise entitled
Subject may discontinue at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which they are otherwise entitled
Risks to the subject (or the fetus or embryo) if the subject is or may become pregnant
Participation may be terminated by the investigator without regard to the subject’s consent; procedure(s)
for termination
Cost of participation to the subject
Compensation to the subject
Significant findings will be provided to the subject upon request
Approximate number of subjects in the study
Right to have a copy of the consent form
*The consent form should also indicate contact person(s) (the PI) with their phone numbers in case the subject has
questions about the study and the chair of the IRB with their phone number in case the subject has questions about
their legal rights.
***There should also be a statement that “The Consent Form is valid only if it has been signed or stamped by
the chair (Name, phone number) of the Hampton University IRB”.
*There should be a line for the subject to write his/her name and another to sign and date.