Office of Sponsored Programs
Policy for the Utilization of the Proposal Approval Record
To: Vice-Presidents, Chancellor, Associate Vice-Presidents, Deans, Directors, Faculty, and Administrative
From: Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Date: Revised February 10, 2016
s Policy Memorandum defines the policy and procedures concerning the required use of the Proposal Approval Record (PAR) in
conjunction with ALL proposals seeking external funding in support of sponsored projects, regardless of funding source. This policy is
effective immediately.
I. P
The utilization of the PAR will formally standardize and document the review and approval of ALL proposals to external funding
agencies which seek financial support for various research, training, and community service activities directly related to the
University’s mission and goals.
II. Scope
A. The PAR is the official document that, when completed and executed, provides the necessary and formal documentation of
University approval and authorization for specific research, training, community service, or other similar proposals for
forwarding to potential sponsoring agencies in order to seek and obtain project external funding support. It is to be utilized
by all colleges/centers/departments throughout the University.
B. External funding support includes all external agencies, such as; federal, state, and local government; private and public
corporations; and foundations. Support for University development initiatives is not included in this grouping.
III. General
A. The Principal Investigator (PI) or Project Director (PD) is responsible for the initiation and completion of the PAR. Each
section is self-explanatory.
B. The PI/PD is to complete the PAR:
Section I-A: Proposal Programmatic Data,
Section I-B: Proposal Financial Data,
Section I-C: Proposal Compliance Data, and
Section II: Authorizing Approvals
Item 1. PI/PD signature
Item 2. College/Center/Department dean signature
Item 3. Chancellor, Health Professions Division signature (if applicable)
C. The PAR includes basic instructions for form completion. It must be noted that:
(1) NO proposal will be submitted to any sponsoring agency without review and approval as provided by the PAR.
(2) NO proposal will be processed unless both the PI/PD and dean’s signatures appear in Section II (as well as the HPD
Chancellor’s signature for all proposals from HPD).
IV. Specific Provisions
A. PIs/PDs are encouraged to call the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) as questions arise in the completion of the PAR. The
PAR was designed for ease of use in meeting the basic criteria for proposal review and approval.
B. Under Section I-A, Proposal Programmatic Data, each of the requested items of information is self-explanatory. Note that
under Collaborating Organizations, the name and contact party is requested if a substantial portion of the proposed work
will be conducted by the collaborating organization and may result in a subgrant or subcontract
C. Under Section I-B, Proposal Financial Data, indicate the funding requested in a total cost format. Note: Commitment of cost
share by NSU, or waiver of F&A costs, will require additional internal forms to be completed, as outlined.
D. Under Section I-C, Proposal Compliance Data, indicate, as appropriate, which compliance areas are applicable. This will aid
in the review process and alert OSP as to what assurances/certifications are required in order to submit the proposal. Note:
It is the responsibility of the PI to ensure all necessary approvals are obtained prior to engaging in work on the sponsored
project, if funded.
E. Under Section II, Authorizing Approvals, the PI/PD is required to complete items 1 and 2, as well as item 3 for proposals
from HPD colleges. Item 4 will be completed by the OSP.
Revised 2/10/2016