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Part 1: Please identify the applicant point of contact (POC)
Applicant POC
Organization Name
POC Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Mailing Address
Part 2: Please identify the application
Application Information
Solicitation Name
Project Title
Proposed Start Date
Proposed End Date
Funding Amount
Part 3: Please identify the project location and applicant type
Project Location and Applicant Type
Project Location (City,
Applicant Type (Tribal
Nation, State, County,
City, Nonprofit, Other)
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
OMB No. 1121-0329
Approval Expires 07/31/2016
Part 4: Please provide a project abstract
Enter additional project abstract information. Unless otherwise specified in the solicitation, this
information includes:
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Project Abstract
Text should be single spaced; do not exceed 400 words.
Products, Reports, and Data Archiving: Describe the anticipated outcomes and expected products such as data
sets, interim and final reports, and tools or technologies. If applicable, describe data to be archived.
Analysis: Summarize the techniques proposed for data analysis. Summarize steps to be taken to
strengthen the reliability and validity of the analysis.
Research Design and Methods: Summarize how the work will be organized and conducted by describing
the methods proposed including a clear timeline, the type of data, collection strategies, instruments, study
sites, and other methods or procedures; stating the hypotheses and briefly describing the specific aims and
rationale; or for technology development efforts, briefly describing how the technology is to be introduced
into practice and key technology challenges.
Partnerships: Description of any significant partnerships.
Subjects: If applicable, include the number of subjects in the study and a description of their
characteristics, such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, and other pertinent attributes.
Part 5: Please indicate whether OJP has permission to share the project abstract
If the applicant is willing for the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), in its discretion, to make the information in the
project abstract above publicly available, please complete the consent section below. Please note, the applicant’s
decision whether to grant OJP permission to publicly release this information will not affect OJP’s funding decisions.
Also, if the application is not funded, granting permission will not guarantee that information will be shared, nor will
it guarantee funding from any other source.
Permission not granted
Permission granted (Fill in authorized official consent below.)
On behalf of the applicant named above, I consent to the information in the project abstract above (including
contact information) being made public, at the discretion of OJP consistent with applicable policies. I certify that I
have the authority to provide this consent.
Authorized Official (AO) Consent
Signature Date
AO Name
Organization Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Note: This document is to be submitted as a separate attachment with a file name that
contains the words Project Abstract.
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs