POD Application | Last Revised September 7, 2018 | CITY OF RICHMOND 5
Checklist Requirement For:
Name of project, developer, preparer of plan, plan date and revision dates.
North arrow, scale, and vicinity map.
Dimensions and bearings of property lines taken from deed or survey and the area of site.
Existing and proposed public and private rights-of way or easements adjoining or crossing the
subject property, including unimproved rights-of-way or easements.
Existing and proposed features within the rights-of-way and easements, including: streets, alleys,
curbs, gutters, sidewalks, fi re hydrants, light poles, curb cuts or driveway crossings, tra c signs,
signal posts, planters, street trees, trash cans and other related encroachments.
Existing and proposed features, (e.g., 5 ft wide brick sidewalk, 20 ft wide alley, 10 in. caliper street
tree with a 5 ft wide tree grate).
Existing and proposed public and private utility services, including: location, type and size of
service; locations of poles, manholes and vaults; locations and types of related facilities, (e.g.,
transformers, back-fl ow preventers, grease and oil traps, detention or retention basins, etc.).
Existing and proposed hazardous features, (e.g., underground storage tanks, abandoned wells or
septic fi elds, fi lled areas, known or suspected contaminated soils, etc.).
Limits of any water bodies, known or suspected wetlands, 100-year fl ood plains and/or
Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas, located on or adjacent to the site.
Zoning and historic districts, located on or adjacent to the site.
Topography, grading and/or cross-section plans (if site grading is proposed, or if needed to
evaluate site drainage and conservation of natural features).
Existing and proposed buildings and structures, including: location, fl oor plans, elevations; and a
descripion of their proposed use, exterior fi nishes and features (e.g., drive-thru windows, canopies,
cornices, porches, decks, etc.).
Existing and proposed landscaping features on the site, including: locations, quantities, sizes and
types of trees and shrubs.
Height, character and location of screening fences and walls for structures and HVAC equipment,
generators, transformers, fuel tanks, hazardous materials lockers and other mechanical equipment,
trash containers, incinerators, car washes and other service areas.
Proposed vehicular circulation plan, including: driveways, crosswalks, access aisles, parking areas,
lots and decks, pedestrian drop-o s areas, loading areas and docks and fi re lanes.
Proposed number, arrangement and sizes of parking spaces and aisles.
Proposed improvements to vehicular areas, including: types and locations of paved areas,
regulatory signage and striping, curbs, gutters, bollards and bumper blocks.
Proposed pedestrian circulation plans, including: types and locations of sidewalks, handicapped
ramps, accessible aisles, handicapped lifts and entrances.
Exterior lighting: location, height and type of fi xtures, and an isolux diagram.
Signs: location, height, size, content, elevation, fi nish and method of illumination
(including: directional, attached and freestanding signs).