Financial Aid and Academic Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal
Student Name:
Strayer ID:
If you do NOT desire to receive federal financial aid assistance, please proceed directly to page 4 to appeal your academic satisfactory
academic progress status. If you would like to receive federal financial aid assistance, please complete all pages in this document.
Per the Federal Student Aid Handbook, when a student loses financial aid eligibility because he or she failed to make satisfactory progress, the
student may appeal that result on the basis of: injury or illness, the death of a relative, or other special circumstances. The appeal must explain why
the student failed to make satisfactory progress and what has changed in the student’s situation that will allow him or her to make satisfactory
progress at the next evaluation.
The student will complete all sections of this form, supplying any additional required documentation indicated within the form. This form and the
additional documentation will then be uploaded to the FA SAP Appeal document requirement in WKH)LQDQFLDO$LG0DQDJHPHQW6\VWHP.
Step 1: Read the complete Reason for SAP Appeal chart below. Check the type of special circumstance you are claiming in your FA SAP
appeal, as well as the type of supporting documents you will be supplying to document the special circumstances. Then, in the spaces
provided, give a brief explanation of the specific special circumstance, how it has affected your ability to maintain satisfactory academic
progress, and how it has been/will be remedied to enable you to achieve satisfactory academic progress moving forward.
Step 2: A Campus Dean must complete the Academic Recovery Plan spreadsheet. All documents must be uploaded into
the Financial Aid Management System by SFS for review and processing.
For a student that has failed with no immediate repeats, or withdrew after the census date in sufficient courses to result in either a qualitative and/or
quantitative SAP suspension stat
us, the student’s SAP Appeal must include:
An explanation of why the student failed or withdrew from the course(s)
A plan for when the student will retake the course(s)
What has changed to allow the student to improve his/her grade or rate of progression
The campus must also submit an approved academic plan, indicating when the course(s) will be retaken, and any other academic recommendation.
Reason for FA SAP Appeal
Appeal Reason:
March 2018March 2018
March 2018
March 2018March 2018March 2018
Medical Bill(s)
Doctor's Note(s) or written letter from doctor on letterhead with contact information
Signed statement of the person being cared for along with another form
of documentation list
Proof of termination
Signed statement by employer on company letterhead outlining the time and
resource constraints of the work-related complication
Letter from State Unemployment Office confirming unemployment status
Past-due bills
Eviction/shut-off notices
Bill(s) from the moving company or moving equipment rental company
Forwarded mail from old to new address
Utility bill from the old and new addresses
Other third-party proof of relocation
Supporting Documentation (one or more):
Caring for a sick or injured
individual (family or non-
family) during EITHER the
Warning OR Suspended Term
Unemployment/Work related
complication, or other
financial hardship during
EITHER the Warning OR
Suspended Term
Relocation 3 months prior to
or during EITHER the
Warning OR Suspended Term