Student Services
Financial Aid' Office
• One-time Taxable Income (Non-reoccurring income) - a portion of income is a one-time event;
therefore, earnings may not be an accurate representation of the annual recurring income. **Additional
Documents Required: 1) Dated documentation, from a third party, showing current years income to date.
• Excessive Medical/Dental Expenses - medical or dental expenses that are medically necessary, not
covered by insurance, and paid, not owed by the student. **Additional Documents Required: 1)Receipts
from payments made, or 2) Copies of cancelled checks or other payment sources supporting that expenses
were paid but not covered by insurance, 3) Copies of insurance documentation supporting expenses that
were covered as compared to other documentation showing expenses not covered but paid, 4) Tax
• Exceptional Expenses - unavoidable expenses, such an uninsured casualty losses, natural disaster-related
expenses, funerals, or excessive legal fees. **Additional Documents Required: 1) Copies of cancelled
checks or other payment sources supporting that expenses were paid but not covered by insurance, and 2)
Copies of insurance documentation supporting expenses that were covered as compared to other
documentation showing expenses not covered but paid
• Selective Service - demonstrate, with evidence, that failure of male students 26 years old or older to
register was not knowing and willful. **Additional Documents Required: 1) Status information letter
from Selective Service, 2) Letter from the student explaining situation and why he/she was not aware of
the requirement, 3) supporting documentation if any of the following apply: Incarceration,
Hospitalization, Military service, recent citizenship status change, address changes
• Parent(s) Enrolled in College -parent must be attending a Title-IV-eligible institution in a degree
seeking program with at least half-time enrollment status and must be paying his or her own tuition.
**Additional Documents Required: 1) Dated statement from the college verifying the degree seeking
program and number of credits the parent is enrolled in, 2) Copy of cancelled check or other proof of
payment to the institution for tuition.
• Other Extenuating Circumstances:
Kaua’i Community College does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, color, national origin, or disability in its programs and activities. For
more information or inquiries regarding these policies, please contact Title IX Coordinator, 808-245-8395 or Alicia Sams, Student Support Counselor,