Undergraduate Degree Audit Substitution
This form is not to be used to have transfer courses evaluated for credit. Please use this form only to move courses from one
section of the Degree Audit to another. Please obtain all necessary signatures before turning in to the Peabody Office of
Academic Services.
I am requesting that _______________________________________________________________________
Course Subject, Number, & Title
be counted as ______________________________________________________________________________.
Degree Audit Requirement (ex: “communications requirement,” “HOD track elective,” etc.)
Have you taken this class already?: YES, taken during ___________ NO, will take it during _________
(semester and year) (semester and year)
Did you/will you take this course while studying abroad?: YES NO
Brief rationale for the request (why is this course an appropriate substitute for this degree requirement?):
^ Student’s Signature and Date
Review Requested
^ Director of Undergraduate Studies’ Name & Signature Date
This will be the Director of the department in which you are seeking the substitution. Example: If you are requesting
that an HOD course count as a Special Ed requirement, you will seek the signature of the DUS of Special Ed.
Student Information (PRINT CLEARLY; all fields required):
Full Name:___________________________________________________ Student ID # (e.g. 000162030) ______________________
Classification: FR____ SO____ JR____ SR____
***Professional/Graduate students should use the Graduate version of this form, found on our website***
Anticipated Date of Graduation: Aug___ Dec___ May___ (year) 20_____
Major(s): _________________________________________ Major Track(s), if applicable:_____________________________
Email Address:____________________________________@vanderbilt.edu
Teaching and Learning students pursuing teacher licensure majors must also obtain approval from the program
director for their licensure area:
Review Requested
Program Director’s Name & Signature
The Peabody Office of Academic Services 215 Peabody Administration Building Phone: (615) 322-8400
(Office Use Only) Chair, Undergraduate Administrative Committee’s Name & Signature - Date
(Office Use Only) OAS Signature Date
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click to sign
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click to sign
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