Professional Employee Performance Evaluation
Employee Name: __________________________________________Incumbent Title: _____________________________
Unit: ________________________________________________Campus Title: ___________________________________
Evaluation for the Period: __________________________________________________
Current Performance Program was signed on: __________________________________
Amendment to existing program, if appropriate, was signed on: ____________________
Campus Appointment Date: _____________________________ Appointment Date to Title: ________________________
Immediate Supervisor (Evaluator): Name: _________________________________________________
Title: __________________________________________________
Unit: __________________________________________________
The following criteria may not be all inclusive and are not intended to limit the supervisor in determining appropriate criteria for the
performance evaluation. Please comment (narrative) on each of the below with specific attention given the job description and performance
objectives listed in the official performance program. If different or additional criteria were established in the current performance
program, you may attach additional sheets where appropriate.
EFFECTIVENESS IN PERFORMANCE (As demonstrated, for example, by success in carrying out assigned duties and responsibilities,
efficiency, productivity and relationship with colleagues):
MASTERY OF SPECIALIZATION (As demonstrated, for example, by degrees, licenses, honors, awards, and reputation in professional field):