Professional Employee Performance Evaluation
Employee Name: __________________________________________Incumbent Title: _____________________________
Unit: ________________________________________________Campus Title: ___________________________________
Evaluation for the Period: __________________________________________________
Current Performance Program was signed on: __________________________________
Amendment to existing program, if appropriate, was signed on: ____________________
Campus Appointment Date: _____________________________ Appointment Date to Title: ________________________
Immediate Supervisor (Evaluator): Name: _________________________________________________
Title: __________________________________________________
Unit: __________________________________________________
The following criteria may not be all inclusive and are not intended to limit the supervisor in determining appropriate criteria for the
performance evaluation. Please comment (narrative) on each of the below with specific attention given the job description and performance
objectives listed in the official performance program. If different or additional criteria were established in the current performance
program, you may attach additional sheets where appropriate.
EFFECTIVENESS IN PERFORMANCE (As demonstrated, for example, by success in carrying out assigned duties and responsibilities,
efficiency, productivity and relationship with colleagues):
MASTERY OF SPECIALIZATION (As demonstrated, for example, by degrees, licenses, honors, awards, and reputation in professional field):
PROFESSIONAL ABILITY (As demonstrated, for example, by invention or innovation in professional, scientific, administrative, or technical
areas; e.g. development or refinement of programs, methods, procedures, or apparatus):
EFFECTIVENESS IN UNIVERSITY SERVICE (As demonstrated, for example, by such things as successful committee work, participation
in local campus and University governance and involvement in campus or University-related student or community activities):
CONTINUING GROWTH (As demonstrated, for example, by continuing education, participation in professional organizations, enrollment in
training programs, research, improved job performance, and increased duties and responsibilities):
OTHER (Attitudes, cooperation, dependability, motivation, etc.):
A. Overall Performance Rating: _____ Satisfactory _____ Unsatisfactory
B. Comments/recommendations to the evaluators supervisor:
Is this an annual evaluation which is accompanying a recommendation for renewal or non-renewal of an appointment? ____Yes ____No
If yes, your recommendation is: _____Renewal of an Appointment ____Non-renewal of an Appointment _____Permanent Appointment
SUMMARY COMMENTS ON PERFORMANCE ONLY (not to include recommendations for salary adjustments and/or promotion):
Supervisors Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________
Employee Acknowledgement: I have read and understand this report and have discussed its contents with my supervisor. My signature
does not necessarily represent agreement.
Employees Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date:__________________________________
Note: A copy of the New Performance Program must be attached.
Distribution: Original—Official Personnel File
Copies—Employee, Evaluator, Evaluators Supervisor 1/89 REV. 2/97
Please include a summary of information from secondary sources identified in the performance program. In general
terms, provide a synopsis of the information.
Additional comments. In this area, identify commendable performance and/or areas in need of improvement.